- waifn.A homeless, neglected wanderer
- waistcoatn.A vest
- waivev.To relinquish, especially temporarily, as a right or claim
- wampumn.Beads strung on threads, formerly used among the American Indians as currency
- wanev.To diminish in size and brilliancy
- wantonnessn.Recklessness
- warlikeadj.Belligerent
- waveletn.A ripple
- weak-kneedadj.Without resolute purpose or energy
- wealn.Well-being
- weanv.To transfer (the young) from dependence on mother's milk to another form of nourishment
- wearisomeadj.Fatiguing
- weeadj.Very small
- well-bredadj.Of good ancestry
- well-doern.A performer of moral and social duties
- well-to-doadj.In prosperous circumstances
- whereaboutsn.The place in or near which a person or thing is
- whereuponadv.After which
- whereveradv.In or at whatever place
- wherewithn.The necessary means or resources
- whetv.To make more keen or eager
- whimsicaladj.Capricious
- whinev.To utter with complaining tone
- whollyadv.Completely
- wieldv.To use, control, or manage, as a weapon, or instrument, especially with full command
- wilen.An act or a means of cunning deception
- winsomeadj.Attractive
- wintryadj.Lacking warmth of manner
- wiryadj.Thin, but tough and sinewy
- witchcraftn.Sorcery
- witlessadj.Foolish, indiscreet, or silly
- witlingn.A person who has little understanding
- witticismn.A witty, brilliant, or original saying or sentiment
- wittinglyadv.With knowledge and by design
- wizenv.To become or cause to become withered or dry
- wizen-facedadj.Having a shriveled face
- working-mann.One who earns his bread by manual labor
- workmanlikeadj.Like or befitting a skilled workman
- workmanshipn.The art or skill of a workman
- wranglev.To maintain by noisy argument or dispute
- wreakv.To inflict, as a revenge or punishment
- wrestv.To pull or force away by or as by violent twisting or wringing
- wretchednessn.Extreme misery or unhappiness
- writhev.To twist the body, face, or limbs or as in pain or distress
- writingn.The act or art of tracing or inscribing on a surface letters or ideographs
- wryadj.Deviating from that which is proper or right