- habitableadj.Fit to be dwelt in
- habitantn.Dweller
- habitualadj.According to usual practice
- habituden.Customary relation or association
- hackneyv.To make stale or trite by repetition
- haggardadj.Worn and gaunt in appearance
- halcyonadj.Calm
- haleadj.Of sound and vigorous health
- handwritingn.Penmanship
- hanger-onn.A parasite
- happy-go-luckyadj.Improvident
- haranguen.A tirade
- harassv.To trouble with importunities, cares, or annoyances
- harbingern.One who or that which foreruns and announces the coming of any person or thing
- hard-heartedadj.Lacking pity or sympathy
- hardihoodn.Foolish daring
- harmoniousadj.Concordant in sound
- havocn.Devastation
- hawthornn.A thorny shrub much used in England for hedges
- hazardn.Risk
- head firstadv.Precipitately, as in diving
- head foremostadv.Precipitately, as in diving
- heartrendingadj.Very depressing
- heathenishadj.Irreligious
- heedlessadj.Thoughtless
- heifern.A young cow
- heinousadj.Odiously sinful
- hemorrhagen.Discharge of blood from a ruptured or wounded blood-vessel
- hemorrhoidsn.pl.Tumors composed of enlarged and thickened blood-vessels, at the lower end of the rectum
- henchmann.A servile assistant and subordinate
- henpeckv.To worry or harass by ill temper and petty annoyances
- heptagonn.A figure having seven sides and seven angles
- heptarchyn.A group of seven governments
- herbaceousadj.Having the character of a herb
- herbariumn.A collection of dried plants scientifically arranged for study
- herbivorousadj.Feeding on herbs or other vegetable matter, as animals
- hereditaryadj.Passing naturally from parent to child
- heredityn.Transmission of physical or mental qualities, diseases, etc., from parent to offspring
- heresyn.An opinion or doctrine subversive of settled beliefs or accepted principles
- hereticn.One who holds opinions contrary to the recognized standards or tenets of any philosophy
- heritagen.Birthright
- hernian.Protrusion of any internal organ in whole or in part from its normal position
- hesitancyn.A pausing to consider
- hesitantadj.Vacillating
- hesitationn.Vacillation
- heterodoxadj.At variance with any commonly accepted doctrine or opinion
- heterogeneityn.Unlikeness of constituent parts
- heterogeneousadj.Consisting of dissimilar elements or ingredients of different kinds
- heteromorphicadj.Deviating from the normal form or standard type
- hexangularadj.Having six angles
- hexapodadj.Having six feet
- hexagonn.A figure with six angles
- hiatusn.A break or vacancy where something necessary to supply the connection is wanting
- hibernaladj.Pertaining to winter
- Hibernianadj.Pertaining to Ireland, or its people
- hideousadj.Appalling
- hilariousadj.Boisterously merry
- hillockn.A small hill or mound
- hinderv.To obstruct
- hindmostadj.Farthest from the front
- hindrancen.An obstacle
- hirsuteadj.Having a hairy covering
- hoardv.To gather and store away for the sake of accumulation
- hoarseadj.Having the voice harsh or rough, as from a cold or fatigue
- homagen.Reverential regard or worship
- homogeneityn.Congruity of the members or elements or parts
- homogeneousadj.Made up of similar parts or elements
- homologousadj.Identical in nature, make-up, or relation
- homonymn.A word agreeing in sound with but different in meaning from another
- homophonen.A word agreeing in sound with but different in meaning from another
- honorariumn.A token fee or payment to a professional man for services
- hoodwinkv.To deceive
- horden.A gathered multitude of human beings
- hosieryn.A stocking
- hospitableadj.Disposed to treat strangers or guests with generous kindness
- hospitalityn.The practice of receiving and entertaining strangers and guests with kindness
- hostilityn.Enmity
- huckstern.One who retails small wares
- humaneadj.Compassionate
- humanitariann.A philanthropist
- humanizev.To make gentle or refined
- humbugn.Anything intended or calculated to deceive or mislead
- humiliatev.To put to shame
- hussarn.A light-horse trooper armed with saber and carbine
- hustlev.To move with haste and promptness
- hybridadj.Cross-bred
- hydran.The seven- or nine-headed water-serpent slain by Hercules
- hydraulicadj.Involving the moving of water, of the force exerted by water in motion
- hydrodynamicsn.The branch of mechanics that treats of the dynamics of fluids
- hydroelectricadj.Pertaining to electricity developed water or steam
- hydromechanicsn.The mechanics of fluids
- hydrometern.An instrument for determining the density of solids and liquids by flotation
- hydrostaticsn.The branch of science that treats of the pressure and equilibrium of fluids
- hydrousadj.Watery
- hygienen.The branch of medical science that relates to improving health
- hypercriticaladj.Faultfinding
- hypnosisn.An artificial trance-sleep
- hypnoticadj.Tending to produce sleep
- hypnotismn.An artificially induced somnambulistic state in which the mind readily acts on suggestion
- hypnotizev.To produce a somnambulistic state in which the mind readily acts on suggestions
- hypocrisyn.Extreme insincerity
- hypocriten.One who makes false professions of his views or beliefs
- hypodermicadj.Pertaining to the area under the skin
- hypotenusen.The side of a right-angled triangle opposite the right angle
- hypothesisn.A proposition taken for granted as a premise from which to reach a conclusion
- hysterian.A nervous affection occurring typically in paroxysms of laughing and crying