- namelessadj.Having no fame or reputation
- naphthan.A light, colorless, volatile, inflammable oil used as a solvent, as in manufacture of paints
- Narcissusn.The son of the Athenian river-god Cephisus, fabled to have fallen in love with his reflection
- narratev.To tell a story
- narrationn.The act of recounting the particulars of an event in the order of time or occurrence
- narrativen.An orderly continuous account of the successive particulars of an event
- narratorn.One who narrates anything
- narrow-mindedadj.Characterized by illiberal views or sentiments
- nasaladj.Pertaining to the nose
- nataladj.Pertaining to one's birth
- nationalityn.A connection with a particular nation
- naturallyadv.According to the usual order of things
- nausean.An affection of the stomach producing dizziness and usually an impulse to vomit
- nauseatev.To cause to loathe
- nauseousadj.Loathsome
- nauticaladj.Pertaining to ships, seamen, or navigation
- navaladj.Pertaining to ships
- naveln.The depression on the abdomen where the umbilical cord of the fetus was attached
- navigableadj.Capable of commercial navigation
- navigatev.To traverse by ship
- nebulan.A gaseous body of unorganized stellar substance
- necessaryadj.Indispensably requisite or absolutely needed to accomplish a desired result
- necessitatev.To render indispensable
- necessityn.That which is indispensably requisite to an end desired
- necrologyn.A list of persons who have died in a certain place or time
- necromancern.One who practices the art of foretelling the future by means of communication with the dead
- necropolisn.A city of the dead
- necrosisn.the death of part of the body
- nectarn.Any especially sweet and delicious drink
- nectarinen.A variety of the peach
- needleworkn.Embroidery
- needyadj.Being in need, want, or poverty
- nefariousadj.Wicked in the extreme
- negatev.To deny
- negationn.The act of denying or of asserting the falsity of a proposition
- neglectfuladj.Exhibiting or indicating omission
- negligeen.A loose gown worn by women
- negligencen.Omission of that which ought to be done
- negligentadj.Apt to omit what ought to be done
- negligibleadj.Transferable by assignment, endorsement, or delivery
- negotiablev.To bargain with others for an agreement, as for a treaty or transfer of property
- Nemesisn.A goddess; divinity of chastisement and vengeance
- neocracyn.Government administered by new or untried persons
- neo-Darwinsimn.Darwinism as modified and extended by more recent students
- neo-Latinn.Modernized Latin
- neopaganismn.A new or revived paganism
- Neolithicadj.Pertaining to the later stone age
- neologyn.The coining or using of new words or new meanings of words
- neophyteadj.Having the character of a beginner
- nestlev.To adjust cozily in snug quarters
- nestlingadj.Recently hatched
- nettlev.To excite sensations of uneasiness or displeasure in
- networkn.Anything that presents a system of cross- lines
- neuraladj.Pertaining to the nerves or nervous system
- neurologyn.The science of the nervous system
- neuteradj.Neither masculine nor feminine
- neutraladj.Belonging to or under control of neither of two contestants
- neverthelessconj.Notwithstanding
- Newtonianadj.Of or pertaining to Sir Isaac Newton, the English philosopher
- niggardlyadj.Stingy.(no longer acceptable to use)
- nihilistn.An advocate of the doctrine that nothing either exists or can be known
- niln.Nothing
- nimbleadj.Light and quick in motion or action
- nitn.The egg of a louse or some other insect
- nocturnaladj.Of or pertaining to the night
- noiselessadj.Silent
- noisomeadj.Very offensive, particularly to the sense of smell
- noisyadj.Clamorous
- nomadadj.Having no fixed abode
- nomicadj.Usual or customary
- nominaladj.Trivial
- nominatev.To designate as a candidate for any office
- nominationn.The act or ceremony of naming a man or woman for office
- nomineen.One who receives a nomination
- non-existentn.That which does not exist
- non-residentadj.Not residing within a given jurisdiction
- nonchalancen.A state of mind indicating lack of interest
- non-combatantn.One attached to the army or navy, but having duties other than that of fighting
- nondescriptadj.Indescribable
- nonentityn.A person or thing of little or no account
- nonpareiln.One who or that which is of unequaled excellence
- normn.A model
- normalcyn.The state of being normal
- Normanadj.Of or peculiar to Normandy, in northern France
- nostrumn.Any scheme or recipe of a charlatan character
- noticeableadj.Perceptible
- notoriousadj.Unfavorably known to the general public
- novelletten.A short novel
- novicen.A beginner in any business or occupation
- nowadaysadv.In the present time or age
- nowhereadv.In no place or state
- noxiousadj.Hurtful
- nuancen.A slight degree of difference in anything perceptible to the sense of the mind
- nucleusn.A central point or part about which matter is aggregated
- nudeadj.Naked
- nugatoryadj.Having no power or force
- nuisancen.That which annoys, vexes, or irritates
- numerationn.The act or art of reading or naming numbers
- numericaladj.Of or pertaining to number
- nunneryn.A convent for nuns
- nuptialadj.Of or pertaining to marriage, especially to the marriage ceremony
- nurturen.The process of fostering or promoting growth
- nutrimentn.That which nourishes
- nutritiveadj.Having nutritious properties