- laboriousadj.Toilsome
- labyrinthn.A maze
- laceratev.To tear rudely or raggedly
- lackadaisicaladj.Listless
- lactationn.The secretion of milk
- lactealadj.Milky
- lacticadj.Pertaining to milk
- laddien.A lad
- ladlen.A cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, intended for dipping up and pouring liquids
- laggardadj.Falling behind
- landholdern.Landowner
- landlordn.A man who owns and lets a tenement or tenements
- landmarkn.A familiar object in the landscape serving as a guide to an area otherwise easily lost track of
- landscapen.A rural view, especially one of picturesque effect, as seen from a distance or an elevation
- languidadj.Relaxed
- languorn.Lassitude of body or depression
- lapsen.A slight deviation from what is right, proper, or just
- lasciviousadj.Lustful
- lassien.A little lass
- latentadj.Dormant
- latencyn.The state of being dormant
- lateradv.At a subsequent time
- lateraladj.Directed toward the side
- latishadj.Rather late
- latticen.Openwork of metal or wood, formed by crossing or interlacing strips or bars
- laudv.To praise in words or song
- laudableadj.Praiseworthy
- laudationn.High praise
- laudatoryadj.Pertaining to, expressing, or containing praise
- laundressn.Washerwoman
- laureateadj.Crowned with laurel, as a mark of distinction
- lavev.To wash or bathe
- lawgivern.A legislator
- lawmakern.A legislator
- laxadj.Not stringent or energetic
- laxativeadj.Having power to open or loosen the bowels
- lean.A field
- leafletn.A little leaf or a booklet
- leavenv.To make light by fermentation, as dough
- leewardn.That side or direction toward which the wind blows
- left-handedadj.Using the left hand or arm more dexterously than the right
- legacyn.A bequest
- legalizev.To give the authority of law to
- leggingn.A covering for the leg
- legibleadj.That may be read with ease
- legionaryn.A member of an ancient Roman legion or of the modern French Legion of Honor
- legislatev.To make or enact a law or laws
- legislativeadj.That makes or enacts laws
- legislatorn.A lawgiver
- legitimacyn.Accordance with law
- legitimateadj.Having the sanction of law or established custom
- leisuren.Spare time
- leniencyn.Forbearance
- lenientadj.Not harsh
- leonineadj.Like a lion
- lethargyn.Prolonged sluggishness of body or mind
- leveen.An embankment beside a river or stream or an arm of the sea, to prevent overflow
- levern.That which exerts, or through which one may exert great power
- leviathann.Any large animal, as a whale
- levityn.Frivolity
- levyv.To impose and collect by force or threat of force
- lewdadj.Characterized by lust or lasciviousness
- lexicographern.One who makes dictionaries
- lexicographyn.The making of dictionaries
- lexiconn.A dictionary
- liableadj.Justly or legally responsible
- libeln.Defamation
- liberalismn.Opposition to conservatism
- liberatev.To set free or release from bondage
- licentiousadj.Wanton
- licitadj.Lawful
- liegeadj.Sovereign
- lienn.A legal claim or hold on property, as security for a debt or charge
- lieun.Stead
- lifelikeadj.Realistic
- lifelongadj.Lasting or continuous through life
- lifetimen.The time that life continues
- ligamentn.That which binds objects together
- ligaturen.Anything that constricts, or serves for binding or tying
- light-heartedadj.Free from care
- ligneousadj.Having the texture of appearance of wood
- likelihoodn.A probability
- likelyadj.Plausible
- likingn.Fondness
- limitationn.A restriction
- linearadj.Of the nature of a line
- linern.A vessel belonging to a steamship-line
- lingon.Language
- linguan.The tongue
- lingualadj.Pertaining to the use of the tongue in utterance
- linguistn.One who is acquainted with several languages
- linguisticsn.The science of languages, or of the origin, history, and significance of words
- linimentn.A liquid preparation for rubbing on the skin in cases of bruises, inflammation, etc
- liquefacientadj.Possessing a liquefying nature or power
- liquefyv.To convert into a liquid or into liquid form
- liqueurn.An alcoholic cordial sweetened and flavored with aromatic substances
- liquidatev.To deliver the amount or value of
- liquorn.Any alcoholic or intoxicating liquid
- listlessadj.Inattentive
- literacyn.The state or condition of knowing how to read and write
- literaladj.Following the exact words
- literaturen.The written or printed productions of the human mind collectively
- litheadj.Supple
- lithesomeadj.Nimble
- lithographn.A print made by printing from stone
- lithotypen.In engraving, an etched stone surface for printing
- litigantn.A party to a lawsuit
- litigatev.To cause to become the subject-matter of a suit at law
- litigiousadj.Quarrelsome
- littoraladj.Of, pertaining to, or living on a shore
- liturgyn.A ritual
- livelihoodn.Means of subsistence
- lividadj.Black-and-blue, as contused flesh
- loamn.A non-coherent mixture of sand and clay
- loathadj.Averse
- loathev.To abominate
- locativeadj.Indicating place, or the place where or wherein an action occurs
- lochn.A lake
- locomotionn.The act or power of moving from one place to another
- loden.A somewhat continuous unstratified metal- bearing vein
- lodgmentn.The act of furnishing with temporary quarters
- logicn.The science of correct thinking
- logicaladj.Capable of or characterized by clear reasoning
- logiciann.An expert reasoner
- loiterern.One who consumes time idly
- lonelinessn.Solitude
- longevityn.Unusually prolonged life
- lootv.To plunder
- loquaciousadj.Talkative
- lordlingn.A little lord
- loughn.A lake or loch
- lousen.A small insect parasitic on and sucking the blood of mammals
- lovableadj.Amiable
- low-spiritedadj.Despondent
- lowlyadv.Rudely
- lucidadj.Mentally sound
- lucrativeadj.Highly profitable
- ludicrousadj.Laughable
- luminaryn.One of the heavenly bodies as a source of light
- luminescentadj.Showing increase of light
- luminescencen.Showing increase
- luminosityn.The quality of giving or radiating light
- luminousadj.Giving or radiating light
- lunacyn.Mental unsoundness
- lunaradj.Pertaining to the moon
- lunaticn.An insane person
- lunen.The moon
- luridadj.Ghastly and sensational
- lusciousadj.Rich, sweet, and delicious
- lustrousadj.Shining
- luxuriancen.Excessive or superfluous growth or quantity
- luxuriantadj.Abundant or superabundant in growth
- luxuriatev.To live sumptuously
- lyingn.Untruthfulness
- lyren.One of the most ancient of stringed instruments of the harp class
- lyricadj.Fitted for expression in song