- ubiquitousadj.Being present everywhere
- ulterioradj.Not so pertinent as something else to the matter spoken of
- ultimateadj.Beyond which there is nothing else
- ultimatumn.A final statement or proposal, as concerning terms or conditions
- ultramundaneadj.Pertaining to supernatural things or to another life
- ultramontaneadj.Beyond the mountains, especially beyond the Alps (that is, on their Italian side)
- umbragen.A sense of injury
- unaccountableadj.Inexplicable
- unaffectedadj.Sincere
- unanimousadj.Sharing the same views or sentiments
- unanimityn.The state or quality of being of one mind
- unavoidableadj.Inevitable
- unbearableadj.Unendurable
- unbecomingadj.Unsuited to the wearer, place, or surroundings
- unbeliefn.Doubt
- unbiasedadj.Impartial, as judgment
- unbridledadj.Being without restraint
- uncommonadj.Rare
- unconscionableadj.Ridiculously or unjustly excessive
- unconsciousadj.Not cognizant of objects, actions, etc
- unctionn.The art of anointing as with oil
- unctuousadj.Oily
- undeceivev.To free from deception, as by apprising of the real state of affairs
- underchargev.To make an inadequate charge for
- underexposedadj.Insufficiently exposed for proper or full development, as negatives in photography
- undergarmentn.A garment to be worn under the ordinary outer garments
- undermanv.To equip with less than the full complement of men
- undersellv.To sell at a lower price than
- undersizedadj.Of less than the customary size
- underhandedadj.Clandestinely carried on
- underliev.To be the ground or support of
- underlingn.A subordinate
- underminev.To subvert in an underhand way
- underratev.To undervalue
- understatev.To fail to put strongly enough, as a case
- undervaluev.To underestimate
- underworldn.Hades
- underwritev.To issue or be party to the issue of a policy of insurance
- undueadj.More than sufficient
- undulatev.To move like a wave or in waves
- undulousadj.Resembling waves
- unfavorableadj.Adverse
- ungainlyadj.Clumsy
- unguentn.Any ointment or lubricant for local application
- unicellularadj.Consisting of a single cell
- univalencen.Monovalency
- unifyv.To cause to be one
- uniqueadj.Being the only one of its kind
- unisonn.A condition of perfect agreement and accord
- unisonantadj.Being in a condition of perfect agreement and accord
- Unitarianadj.Pertaining to a religious body that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity
- unlawfuladj.Illegal
- unlimitedadj.Unconstrained
- unnaturaladj.Artificial
- unnecessaryadj.Not essential under the circumstances
- unsettlev.To put into confusion
- unsophisticatedadj.Showing inexperience
- unspeakableadj.Abominable
- untimelyadj.Unseasonable
- untowardadj.Causing annoyance or hindrance
- unutterableadj.Inexpressible
- unwieldyadj.Moved or managed with difficulty, as from great size or awkward shape
- unwiseadj.Foolish
- unyokev.To separate
- up-keepn.Maintenance
- upbraidv.To reproach as deserving blame
- upcastn.A throwing upward
- upheavaln.Overthrow or violent disturbance of established order or condition
- upheavev.To raise or lift with effort
- uppermostadj.First in order of precedence
- uproariousadj.Noisy
- uprootv.To eradicate
- upturnv.To throw into confusion
- urbanadj.Of, or pertaining to, or like a city
- urbanityn.Refined or elegant courtesy
- urchinn.A roguish, mischievous boy
- urgencyn.The pressure of necessity
- usagen.Treatment
- usuriousadj.Taking unlawful or exorbitant interest on money loaned
- usurpv.To take possession of by force
- usuryn.The demanding for the use of money as a loan, a rate of interest beyond what is allowed by law
- utilitarianismn.The ethical doctrine that actions are right because they are useful or of beneficial tendency
- utilityn.Fitness for some desirable practical purpose
- utmostn.The greatest possible extent