- pacifyv.To bring into a peaceful state
- packetn.A bundle, as of letters
- pactn.A covenant
- pagann.A worshiper of false gods
- pageantn.A dramatic representation, especially a spectacular one
- palaten.The roof of the mouth
- palatialadj.Magnificent
- paleontologyn.The branch of biology that treats of ancient life and fossil organisms
- paletten.A thin tablet, with a hole for the thumb, upon which artists lay their colors for painting
- palinoden.A retraction
- pallv.To make dull by satiety
- palliatev.To cause to appear less guilty
- pallidadj.Of a pale or wan appearance
- palpablen.perceptible by feeling or touch
- palsyn.Paralysis
- palyadj.Lacking color or brilliancy
- pamphletn.A brief treatise or essay, usually on a subject of current interest
- pamphleteerv.To compose or issue pamphlets, especially controversial ones
- panacean.A remedy or medicine proposed for or professing to cure all diseases
- Pan-Americanadj.Including or pertaining to the whole of America, both North and South
- pandemicadj.Affecting a whole people or all classes, as a disease
- pandemoniumn.A fiendish or riotous uproar
- panegyricn.A formal and elaborate eulogy, written or spoken, of a person or of an act
- paneln.A rectangular piece set in or as in a frame
- panicn.A sudden, unreasonable, overpowering fear
- panoplyn.A full set of armor
- panoraman.A series of large pictures representing a continuous scene
- pantheismn.The worship of nature for itself or its beauty
- Pantheonn.A circular temple at Rome with a fine Corinthian portico and a great domed roof
- pantomimen.Sign-language
- pantoscopen.A very wide-angled photographic lens
- papacyn.The official head of the Roman Catholic Church
- papyrusn.The writing-paper of the ancient Egyptians, and later of the Romans
- parablen.A brief narrative founded on real scenes or events usually with a moral
- paradoxn.A statement or doctrine seemingly in contradiction to the received belief
- paragonn.A model of excellence
- parallelv.To cause to correspond or lie in the same direction and equidistant in all parts
- parallelismn.Essential likeness
- paralysisn.Loss of the power of contractility in the voluntary or involuntary muscles
- paralyzev.To deprive of the power to act
- paramountadj.Supreme in authority
- paramourn.One who is unlawfully and immorally a lover or a mistress
- paraphernalian.Miscellaneous articles of equipment or adornment
- paraphrasev.Translate freely
- parev.To cut, shave, or remove (the outside) from anything
- parentagen.The relation of parent to child, of the producer to the produced, or of cause to effect
- Pariahn.A member of a degraded class; a social outcast
- parishn.The ecclesiastical district in charge of a pastor
- Parisianadj.Of or pertaining to the city of Paris
- parityn.Equality, as of condition or rank
- parlancen.Mode of speech
- parleyv.To converse in
- parliamentn.A legislative body
- parlorn.A room for reception of callers or entertainment of guests
- parodyv.To render ludicrous by imitating the language of
- paronymousadj.Derived from the same root or primitive word
- paroxysmn.A sudden outburst of any kind of activity
- parriciden.The murder of a parent
- parsev.To describe, as a sentence, by separating it into its elements and describing each word
- parsimoniousadj.Unduly sparing in the use or expenditure of money
- partibleadj.Separable
- participantn.One having a share or part
- participatev.To receive or have a part or share of
- partitionn.That which separates anything into distinct parts
- partisanadj.Characterized by or exhibiting undue or unreasoning devotion to a party
- passibleadj.Capable of feeling of suffering
- passiveadj.Unresponsive
- pastoraladj.Having the spirit or sentiment of rural life
- paternaladj.Fatherly
- paternityn.Fatherhood
- pathosn.The quality in any form of representation that rouses emotion or sympathy
- patriarchn.The chief of a tribe or race who rules by paternal right
- patricianadj.Of senatorial or noble rank
- patrimonyn.An inheritance from an ancestor, especially from one's father
- patriotismn.Love and devotion to one's country
- patronizev.To exercise an arrogant condescension toward
- patronymicadj.Formed after one's father's name
- patterv.To mumble something over and over
- paucityn.Fewness
- paupern.One without means of support
- pauperismn.Dependence on charity
- pavilionn.An open structure for temporary shelter
- payeen.A person to whom money has been or is to be paid
- peaceableadj.Tranquil
- peacefuladj.Tranquil
- peccableadj.Capable of sinning
- peccadillon.A small breach of propriety or principle
- peccantadj.Guilty
- pectoraladj.Pertaining to the breast or thorax
- pecuniaryadj.Consisting of money
- pedagogicsn.The science and art of teaching
- pedagoguen.A schoolmaster
- pedagogyn.The science and art of teaching
- pedaln.A lever for the foot usually applied only to musical instruments, cycles, and other machines
- pedantn.A scholar who makes needless and inopportune display of his learning
- peddlev.To go about with a small stock of goods to sell
- pedestaln.A base or support as for a column, statue, or vase
- pedestriann.One who journeys on foot
- pediatricsn.The department of medical science that relates to the treatment of diseases of childhood
- pedigreen.One's line of ancestors
- peddlern.One who travels from house to house with an assortment of goods for retail
- peeragen.The nobility
- peerlessadj.Of unequaled excellence or worth
- peevishadj.Petulant.(irritable)
- pellucidadj.Translucent
- penaltyn.The consequences that follow the transgression of natural or divine law
- penancen.Punishment to which one voluntarily submits or subjects himself as an expression of penitence
- penchantn.A bias in favor of something
- pendantn.Anything that hangs from something else, either for ornament or for use
- pendulousadj.Hanging, especially so as to swing by an attached end or part
- pendulumn.A weight hung on a rod, serving by its oscillation to regulate the rate of a clock
- penetrableadj.That may be pierced by physical, moral, or intellectual force
- penetratev.To enter or force a way into the interior parts of
- penetrationn.Discernment
- peninsularadj.Pertaining to a piece of land almost surrounded by water
- penitencen.Sorrow for sin with desire to amend and to atone
- penitentialadj.Pertaining to sorrow for sin with desire to amend and to atone
- pennantn.A small flag
- pensionn.A periodical allowance to an individual on account of past service done by him/her
- pentagramn.A figure having five points or lobes
- pentavalentadj.Quinqeuvalent
- pentadn.The number five
- pentagonn.A figure, especially, with five angles and five sides
- pentahedronn.A solid bounded by five plane faces
- pentametern.In prosody, a line of verse containing five units or feet
- pentathlonn.The contest of five associated exercises in the great games and the same contestants
- penultimateadj.A syllable or member of a series that is last but one
- penuriousadj.Excessively sparing in the use of money
- penuryn.Indigence
- perambulatev.To walk about
- perceivev.To have knowledge of, or receive impressions concerning, through the medium of the body senses
- perceptibleadj.Cognizable
- perceptionn.Knowledge through the senses of the existence and properties of matter or the external world
- percipiencen.The act of perceiving
- percipientn.One who or that which perceives
- percolatev.To filter
- percolatorn.A filter
- percussionn.The sharp striking of one body against another
- peremptoryadj.Precluding question or appeal
- perennialadj.Continuing though the year or through many years
- perfectibleadj.Capable of being made perfect
- perfidyn.Treachery
- perforatev.To make a hole or holes through
- performv.To accomplish
- perfumeryn.The preparation of perfumes
- perfunctoryadj.Half-hearted
- perhapsadv.Possibly
- perigeen.The point in the orbit of the moon when it is nearest the earth
- periodicityn.The habit or characteristic of recurrence at regular intervals
- peripateticadj.Walking about
- perjurev.To swear falsely to
- perjuryn.A solemn assertion of a falsity
- permanencen.A continuance in the same state, or without any change that destroys the essential form or nature
- permanentadj.Durable
- permeatev.To pervade
- permissibleadj.That may be allowed
- permutationn.Reciprocal change, different ordering of same items
- perniciousadj.Tending to kill or hurt
- perpendicularadj.Straight up and down
- perpetratorn.The doer of a wrong or a criminal act
- perpetuatev.To preserve from extinction or oblivion
- perquisiten.Any profit from service beyond the amount fixed as salary or wages
- persecutionn.Harsh or malignant oppression
- perseverancen.A persistence in purpose and effort
- perseverev.To continue striving in spite of discouragements
- persiflagen.Banter
- persistv.To continue steadfast against opposition
- persistencen.A fixed adherence to a resolve, course of conduct, or the like
- personagen.A man or woman as an individual, especially one of rank or high station
- personaladj.Not general or public
- personalityn.The attributes, taken collectively, that make up the character and nature of an individual
- personneln.The force of persons collectively employed in some service
- perspectiven.The relative importance of facts or matters from any special point of view
- perspicaciousadj.Astute
- perspicacityn.Acuteness or discernment
- perspicuousadj.Lucid
- perspirationn.Sweat
- perspirev.To excrete through the pores of the skin
- persuadev.To win the mind of by argument, eloquence, evidence, or reflection
- persuadableadj.capable of influencing to action by entreaty, statement, or anything that moves the feelings
- pertinaciousadj.Persistent or unyielding
- pertinacityn.Unyielding adherence
- pertinentadj.Relevant
- perturbv.To disturb greatly
- perturbationn.Mental excitement or confusion
- perusaln.The act of reading carefully or thoughtfully
- pervadev.To pass or spread through every part
- pervasionn.The state of spreading through every part
- pervasiveadj.Thoroughly penetrating or permeating
- perverseadj.Unreasonable
- perversionn.Diversion from the true meaning or proper purpose
- perversityn.Wickedness
- pervertn.One who has forsaken a doctrine regarded as true for one esteemed false
- perviousadj.Admitting the entrance or passage of another substance
- pestilencen.A raging epidemic
- pestilentadj.Having a malign influence or effect
- pestilentialadj.having the nature of or breeding pestilence
- peterv.To fail or lose power, efficiency, or value
- petrifyv.To convert into a substance of stony hardness and character
- petulancen.The character or condition of being impatient, capricious or petulant
- petulantadj.Displaying impatience
- pharmacopoeian.A book containing the formulas and methods of preparation of medicines for the use of druggists
- pharmacyn.The art or business of compounding and dispensing medicines
- phenomenaladj.Extraordinary or marvelous
- phenomenonn.Any unusual occurrence
- philanderv.To play at courtship with a woman
- philanthropicadj.Benevolent
- philanthropistn.One who endeavors to help his fellow men
- philanthropyn.Active humanitarianism
- philatelyn.The study and collection of stamps
- philharmonicadj.Fond of music
- philogynistn.One who is fond of women
- philologistn.An expert in linguistics
- philologyn.The study of language in connection with history and literature
- philosophizev.To seek ultimate causes and principles
- philosophyn.The general principles, laws, or causes that furnish the rational explanation of anything
- phlegmaticadj.Not easily roused to feeling or action
- phoneticadj.Representing articulate sounds or speech
- phonicadj.Pertaining to the nature of sound
- phonogramn.A graphic character symbolizing an articulate sound
- phonologyn.The science of human vocal sounds
- phosphorescencen.The property of emitting light
- photoelectricadj.Pertaining to the combined action of light and electricity
- photometern.Any instrument for measuring the intensity of light or comparing the intensity of two lights
- photometryn.The art of measuring the intensity of light
- physicistn.A specialist in the science that treats of the phenomena associated with matter and energy
- physicsn.The science that treats of the phenomena associated with matter and energy
- physiocracyn.The doctrine that land and its products are the only true wealth
- physiognomyn.The external appearance merely
- physiographyn.Description of nature
- physiologyn.The science of organic functions
- physiquen.The physical structure or organization of a person
- picayuneadj.Of small value
- piccolon.A small flute
- piecen.A loose or separated part, as distinguished from the whole or the mass
- piecemealadv.Gradually
- pillagen.Open robbery, as in war
- pilloryn.A wooden framework in which an offender is fastened to boards and is exposed to public scorn
- pincersn.An instrument having two lever-handles and two jaws working on a pivot
- pinchersn.An instrument having two jaws working on a pivot
- pinnaclen.A high or topmost point, as a mountain-peak
- pioneern.One among the first to explore a country
- piousadj.Religious
- piquev.To excite a slight degree of anger in
- piteousadj.Compassionate
- pitiableadj.Contemptible
- pitifuladj.Wretched
- pitilessadj.Hard-hearted
- pittancen.Any small portion or meager allowance
- placatev.To bring from a state of angry or hostile feeling to one of patience or friendliness
- placidadj.Serene
- plagiarismn.The stealing of passages from the writings of another and publishing them as one's own
- planispheren.A polar projection of the heavens on a chart
- plasticityn.The property of some substances through which the form of the mass can readily be changed
- platituden.A written or spoken statement that is flat, dull, or commonplace
- plauditn.An expression of applause
- plausibleadj.Seeming likely to be true, though open to doubt
- playfuladj.Frolicsome
- playwrightn.A maker of plays for the stage
- plean.An argument to obtain some desired action
- pleasantadj.Agreeable
- pleasurableadj.Affording gratification
- plebeianadj.Common
- pledgeen.The person to whom anything is pledged
- pledgeorn.One who gives a pledge
- plenaryadj.Entire
- plenipotentiaryn.A person fully empowered to transact any business
- plenituden.Abundance
- plenteousadj.Abundant
- plumbn.A weight suspended by a line to test the verticality of something
- plummetn.A piece of lead for making soundings, adjusting walls to the vertical
- pluperfectadj.Expressing past time or action prior to some other past time or action
- pluraladj.Containing or consisting of more than one
- pluralityn.A majority
- plutocracyn.A wealthy class in a political community who control the government by means of their money
- pneumaticadj.Pertaining to or consisting of air or gas
- poesyn.Poetry
- poetastern.An inferior poet
- poeticadj.Pertaining to poetry
- poeticsn.The rules and principles of poetry
- poignancyn.Severity or acuteness, especially of pain or grief
- poignantadj.Severely painful or acute to the spirit
- poisen.Equilibrium
- polaradj.Pertaining to the poles of a sphere, especially of the earth
- polemicsn.The art of controversy or disputation
- pollenn.The fine dust-like grains or powder formed within the anther of a flowering plant
- pollutev.To contaminate
- polyarchyn.Government by several or many persons of what- ever class
- polycracyn.The rule of many
- polygamyn.the fact or condition of having more than one wife or husband at once
- polyglotadj.Speaking several tongues
- polygonn.A figure having many angles
- polyhedronn.A solid bounded by plane faces, especially by more than four
- polysyllableadj.Having several syllables, especially more than three syllables
- polytechnicadj.Pertaining to, embracing, or practicing many arts
- polytheismn.The doctrine or belief that there are more gods than one
- pommelv.To beat with something thick or bulky
- pomposityn.The quality of being marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner
- pompousadj.Marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner
- ponderv.To meditate or reflect upon
- ponderousadj.Unusually weighty or forcible
- pontiffn.The Pope
- populacen.The common people
- populousadj.Containing many inhabitants, especially in proportion to the territory
- portendv.To indicate as being about to happen, especially by previous signs
- portentn.Anything that indicates what is to happen
- portfolion.A portable case for holding writing-materials, drawings, etc
- positv.To present in an orderly manner
- positionn.The manner in which a thing is placed
- positiveadj.Free from doubt or hesitation
- possen.A force of men
- possessv.To own
- possessionn.The having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command
- possessiveadj.Pertaining to the having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command
- possessorn.One who owns, enjoys, or controls anything, as property
- possibleadj.Being not beyond the reach of power natural, moral, or supernatural
- postdatev.To make the date of any writing later than the real date
- posteriorn.The hinder part
- postgraduateadj.Pertaining to studies that are pursued after receiving a degree
- postscriptn.Something added to a letter after the writer's signature
- potencyn.Power
- potentadj.Physically powerful
- potentaten.One possessed of great power or sway
- potentialn.Anything that may be possible
- potionn.A dose of liquid medicine
- powerlessadj.Impotent
- practicableadj.Feasible
- pratev.To talk about vainly or foolishly
- prattlev.To utter in simple or childish talk
- preamblen.A statement introductory to and explanatory of what follows
- precariousadj.Perilous
- precautionn.A provision made in advance for some possible emergency or danger
- precedev.To happen first
- precedencen.Priority in place, time, or rank
- precedentn.An instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule
- precedentialadj.Of the nature of an instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule
- precessionn.The act of going forward
- precipicen.A high and very steep or approximately vertical cliff
- precipitantadj.Moving onward quickly and heedlessly
- precipitatev.To force forward prematurely
- preciseadj.Exact
- precisionn.Accuracy of limitation, definition, or adjustment
- precludev.To prevent
- precociousadj.Having the mental faculties prematurely developed
- precursorn.A forerunner or herald
- predatoryadj.Prone to pillaging
- predecessorn.An incumbent of a given office previous to another
- predicamentn.A difficult, trying situation or plight
- predicatev.To state as belonging to something
- predictv.To foretell
- predictionn.A prophecy
- predominancen.Ascendancy or preponderance
- predominantadj.Superior in power, influence, effectiveness, number, or degree
- predominatev.To be chief in importance, quantity, or degree
- preeminencen.Special eminence
- preemptv.To secure the right of preference in the purchase of public land
- preemptionn.The right or act of purchasing before others
- preengagev.To preoccupy
- preestablishv.To settle or arrange beforehand
- preexistv.To exist at a period or in a state earlier than something else
- preexistencen.Existence antecedent to something
- prefacen.A brief explanation or address to the reader, at the beginning of a book
- prefatoryadj.Pertaining to a brief explanation to the reader at the beginning of a book
- preferv.To hold in higher estimation
- preferableadj.More desirable than others
- preferencen.An object of favor or choice
- preferentialadj.Possessing, giving, or constituting preference or priority
- prefermentn.Preference
- prefixv.To attach at the beginning
- prehensibleadj.Capable of being grasped
- prehensileadj.Adapted for grasping or holding
- prehensionn.The act of laying hold of or grasping
- prejudicen.A judgment or opinion formed without due examination of the facts
- prelacyn.A system of church government
- prelaten.One of a higher order of clergy having direct authority over other clergy
- preluden.An introductory or opening performance
- prematureadj.Coming too soon
- premieradj.First in rank or position
- premisen.A judgment as a conclusion
- premonitionn.Foreboding
- preoccupationn.The state of having the mind, attention, or inclination preoccupied
- preoccupyv.To fill the mind of a person to the exclusion of other subjects
- preordainv.To foreordain
- preparationn.An act or proceeding designed to bring about some event
- preparatoryadj.Having to do with what is preliminary
- preponderantadj.Prevalent
- preponderatev.To exceed in influence or power
- prepossessionn.A preconceived liking
- preposterousadj.Utterly ridiculous or absurd
- prerogativeadj.Having superior rank or precedence
- presagev.To foretell
- presciencen.Knowledge of events before they take place
- prescientadj.Foreknowing
- prescriptadj.Prescribed as a rule or model
- prescriptibleadj.Derived from authoritative direction
- prescriptionn.An authoritative direction
- presentientadj.Perceiving or feeling beforehand
- presentimentn.Foreboding
- presentmentn.Semblance
- preservationn.Conservation
- presumptionn.That which may be logically assumed to be true until disproved
- presumptuousadj.Assuming too much
- pretensionn.A bold or presumptuous assertion
- pretentiousadj.Marked by pretense, conceit, or display
- preternaturaladj.Extraordinary
- pretextn.A fictitious reason or motive
- prevalencen.Frequency
- prevalentadj.Of wide extent or frequent occurrence
- prevaricatev.To use ambiguous or evasive language for the purpose of deceiving or diverting attention
- preventionn.Thwarting
- pricklev.To puncture slightly with fine, sharp points
- priggishadj.Conceited
- primadj.Stiffly proper
- primaadj.First
- primern.An elementary reading-book for children
- primevaladj.Belonging to the first ages
- primitiveadj.Pertaining to the beginning or early times
- principaladj.Most important
- principalityn.The territory of a reigning prince
- principlen.A general truth or proposition
- prioryn.A monastic house
- pristineadj.Primitive
- privateern.A vessel owned and officered by private persons, but carrying on maritime war
- privilegen.A right or immunity not enjoyed by all, or that may be enjoyed only under special conditions
- privityn.Knowledge shared with another or others regarding a private matter
- privyadj.Participating with another or others in the knowledge of a secret transaction
- probateadj.Relating to making proof, as of a will
- probationn.Any proceeding designed to ascertain or test character, qualification, or the like
- probev.To search through and through
- probityn.Virtue or integrity tested and confirmed
- proceduren.A manner or method of acting
- proceedv.To renew motion or action, as after rest or interruption
- proclamationn.Any announcement made in a public manner
- procrastinatev.To put off till tomorrow or till a future time
- procrastinationn.Delay
- proctorn.An agent acting for another
- prodigaln.One wasteful or extravagant, especially in the use of money or property
- prodigiousadj.Immense
- prodigyn.A person or thing of very remarkable gifts or qualities
- productiveadj.Yielding in abundance
- professionn.Any calling or occupation involving special mental or other special disciplines
- professorn.A public teacher of the highest grade in a university or college
- profferv.To offer to another for acceptance
- proficiencyn.An advanced state of acquirement, as in some knowledge, art, or science
- proficientadj.Possessing ample and ready knowledge or of skill in any art, science, or industry
- profilen.An outline or contour
- profiteern.One who profits
- profligacyn.Shameless viciousness
- profligateadj.Abandoned to vice
- profuseadj.Produced or displayed in overabundance
- progenyn.Offspring
- progressionn.A moving forward or proceeding in course
- prohibitionn.A decree or an order forbidding something
- prohibitionistn.One who favors the prohibition by law of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages
- prohibitoryadj.Involving or equivalent to prohibition, especially of the sale of alcoholic beverages
- projectionn.A prominence
- proletariann.A person of the lowest or poorest class
- prolificadj.Producing offspring or fruit
- prolixadj.Verbose
- prologuen.A prefatory statement or explanation to a poem, discourse, or performance
- prolongv.To extend in time or duration
- promenadev.To walk for amusement or exercise
- prominencen.The quality of being noticeable or distinguished
- prominentadj.Conspicuous in position, character, or importance
- promiscuousadj.Brought together without order, distinction, or design (for sex)
- promissoryadj.Expressing an engagement to pay
- promontoryn.A high point of land extending outward from the coastline into the sea
- promotern.A furtherer, forwarder, or encourager
- promulgatev.To proclaim
- propagandan.Any institution or systematic scheme for propagating a doctrine or system
- propagatev.To spread abroad or from person to person
- propelv.To drive or urge forward
- propellantadj.Propelling
- propellern.One who or that which propels
- prophecyn.Any prediction or foretelling
- prophesyv.To predict or foretell, especially under divine inspiration and guidance
- propitiousadj.Kindly disposed
- proportionateadj.Being in proportion
- proprietyn.Accordance with recognized usage, custom, or principles
- propulsionn.A driving onward or forward
- prosaicadj.Unimaginative
- prosceniumn.That part of the stage between the curtain and the orchestra
- proscribev.To reject, as a teaching or a practice, with condemnation or denunciation
- proscriptionn.Any act of condemnation and rejection from favor and privilege
- proselyten.One who has been won over from one religious belief to another
- prosodyn.The science of poetical forms
- prospectorn.One who makes exploration, search, or examination, especially for minerals
- prospectusn.A paper or pamphlet containing information of a proposed undertaking
- prostrateadj.Lying prone, or with the head to the ground
- protagonistn.A leader in any enterprise or contest
- protectionn.Preservation from harm, danger, annoyance, or any other evil
- protectiveadj.Sheltering
- protectorn.A defender
- protegen.One specially cared for and favored by another usually older person
- Protestantn.A Christian who denies the authority of the Pope and holds the right of special judgment
- protomartyrn.The earliest victim in any cause
- protocoln.A declaration or memorandum of agreement less solemn and formal than a treaty
- protoplasmn.The substance that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable cell
- prototypen.A work, original in character, afterward imitated in form or spirit
- protractv.To prolong
- protrudev.To push out or thrust forth
- protrusionn.The act of protruding
- protuberancen.Something that swells out from a surrounding surface
- protuberantadj.Bulging
- protuberatev.To swell or bulge beyond the surrounding surface
- proverbn.A brief, pithy saying, condensing in witty or striking form the wisdom of experience
- providentadj.Anticipating and making ready for future wants or emergencies
- providentialadj.Effected by divine guidance
- provincialadj.Uncultured in thought and manner
- provison.A clause in a contract, will, etc., by which its operation is rendered conditional
- provocationn.An action or mode of conduct that excites resentment
- prowessn.Strength, skill, and intrepidity in battle
- proximatelyadv.Immediately
- proxyn.A person who is empowered by another to represent him or her in a given matter
- prudencen.Caution
- prudentialadj.Proceeding or marked by caution
- pruderyn.An undue display of modesty or delicacy
- prurientadj.Inclined to lascivious thoughts and desires
- pseudapostlen.A pretended or false apostle
- pseudonymn.A fictitious name, especially when assumed by a writer
- pseudonymityn.The state or character of using a fictitious name
- psychiatryn.The branch of medicine that relates to mental disease
- psychicadj.Pertaining to the mind or soul
- psychopathicadj.Morally irresponsible
- psychotherapyn.The treatment of mental disease
- pudgyadj.Small and fat
- puerileadj.Childish
- pugnaciousadj.Quarrelsome
- puissantadj.Possessing strength
- pulmonaryadj.Pertaining to the lungs
- punctiliousadj.Strictly observant of the rules or forms prescribed by law or custom
- punctualadj.Observant and exact in points of time
- pungentadj.Affecting the sense of smell
- pungencyn.The quality of affecting the sense of smell
- punitiveadj.Pertaining to punishment
- pupilagen.The state or period of being a student
- purgatoryn.An intermediate state where souls are made fit for paradise or heaven by expiatory suffering
- purlv.To cause to whirl, as in an eddy
- purloinv.To steal
- purportn.Intent
- purveyorn.one who supplies
- pusillanimousadj.Without spirit or bravery
- putrescentadj.Undergoing decomposition of animal or vegetable matter accompanied by fetid odors
- pyren.A heap of combustibles arranged for burning a dead body
- pyromanian.An insane propensity to set things on fire
- pyrotechnicadj.Pertaining to fireworks or their manufacture
- pyxn.A vessel or casket, usually of precious metal, in which the host is preserved