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  1. pacifyv.To bring into a peaceful state
  2. packetn.A bundle, as of letters
  3. pactn.A covenant
  4. pagann.A worshiper of false gods
  5. pageantn.A dramatic representation, especially a spectacular one
  6. palaten.The roof of the mouth
  7. palatialadj.Magnificent
  8. paleontologyn.The branch of biology that treats of ancient life and fossil organisms
  9. paletten.A thin tablet, with a hole for the thumb, upon which artists lay their colors for painting
  10. palinoden.A retraction
  11. pallv.To make dull by satiety
  12. palliatev.To cause to appear less guilty
  13. pallidadj.Of a pale or wan appearance
  14. palpablen.perceptible by feeling or touch
  15. palsyn.Paralysis
  16. palyadj.Lacking color or brilliancy
  17. pamphletn.A brief treatise or essay, usually on a subject of current interest
  18. pamphleteerv.To compose or issue pamphlets, especially controversial ones
  19. panacean.A remedy or medicine proposed for or professing to cure all diseases
  20. Pan-Americanadj.Including or pertaining to the whole of America, both North and South
  21. pandemicadj.Affecting a whole people or all classes, as a disease
  22. pandemoniumn.A fiendish or riotous uproar
  23. panegyricn.A formal and elaborate eulogy, written or spoken, of a person or of an act
  24. paneln.A rectangular piece set in or as in a frame
  25. panicn.A sudden, unreasonable, overpowering fear
  26. panoplyn.A full set of armor
  27. panoraman.A series of large pictures representing a continuous scene
  28. pantheismn.The worship of nature for itself or its beauty
  29. Pantheonn.A circular temple at Rome with a fine Corinthian portico and a great domed roof
  30. pantomimen.Sign-language
  31. pantoscopen.A very wide-angled photographic lens
  32. papacyn.The official head of the Roman Catholic Church
  33. papyrusn.The writing-paper of the ancient Egyptians, and later of the Romans
  34. parablen.A brief narrative founded on real scenes or events usually with a moral
  35. paradoxn.A statement or doctrine seemingly in contradiction to the received belief
  36. paragonn.A model of excellence
  37. parallelv.To cause to correspond or lie in the same direction and equidistant in all parts
  38. parallelismn.Essential likeness
  39. paralysisn.Loss of the power of contractility in the voluntary or involuntary muscles
  40. paralyzev.To deprive of the power to act
  41. paramountadj.Supreme in authority
  42. paramourn.One who is unlawfully and immorally a lover or a mistress
  43. paraphernalian.Miscellaneous articles of equipment or adornment
  44. paraphrasev.Translate freely
  45. parev.To cut, shave, or remove (the outside) from anything
  46. parentagen.The relation of parent to child, of the producer to the produced, or of cause to effect
  47. Pariahn.A member of a degraded class; a social outcast
  48. parishn.The ecclesiastical district in charge of a pastor
  49. Parisianadj.Of or pertaining to the city of Paris
  50. parityn.Equality, as of condition or rank
  51. parlancen.Mode of speech
  52. parleyv.To converse in
  53. parliamentn.A legislative body
  54. parlorn.A room for reception of callers or entertainment of guests
  55. parodyv.To render ludicrous by imitating the language of
  56. paronymousadj.Derived from the same root or primitive word
  57. paroxysmn.A sudden outburst of any kind of activity
  58. parriciden.The murder of a parent
  59. parsev.To describe, as a sentence, by separating it into its elements and describing each word
  60. parsimoniousadj.Unduly sparing in the use or expenditure of money
  61. partibleadj.Separable
  62. participantn.One having a share or part
  63. participatev.To receive or have a part or share of
  64. partitionn.That which separates anything into distinct parts
  65. partisanadj.Characterized by or exhibiting undue or unreasoning devotion to a party
  66. passibleadj.Capable of feeling of suffering
  67. passiveadj.Unresponsive
  68. pastoraladj.Having the spirit or sentiment of rural life
  69. paternaladj.Fatherly
  70. paternityn.Fatherhood
  71. pathosn.The quality in any form of representation that rouses emotion or sympathy
  72. patriarchn.The chief of a tribe or race who rules by paternal right
  73. patricianadj.Of senatorial or noble rank
  74. patrimonyn.An inheritance from an ancestor, especially from one's father
  75. patriotismn.Love and devotion to one's country
  76. patronizev.To exercise an arrogant condescension toward
  77. patronymicadj.Formed after one's father's name
  78. patterv.To mumble something over and over
  79. paucityn.Fewness
  80. paupern.One without means of support
  81. pauperismn.Dependence on charity
  82. pavilionn.An open structure for temporary shelter
  83. payeen.A person to whom money has been or is to be paid
  84. peaceableadj.Tranquil
  85. peacefuladj.Tranquil
  86. peccableadj.Capable of sinning
  87. peccadillon.A small breach of propriety or principle
  88. peccantadj.Guilty
  89. pectoraladj.Pertaining to the breast or thorax
  90. pecuniaryadj.Consisting of money
  91. pedagogicsn.The science and art of teaching
  92. pedagoguen.A schoolmaster
  93. pedagogyn.The science and art of teaching
  94. pedaln.A lever for the foot usually applied only to musical instruments, cycles, and other machines
  95. pedantn.A scholar who makes needless and inopportune display of his learning
  96. peddlev.To go about with a small stock of goods to sell
  97. pedestaln.A base or support as for a column, statue, or vase
  98. pedestriann.One who journeys on foot
  99. pediatricsn.The department of medical science that relates to the treatment of diseases of childhood
  100. pedigreen.One's line of ancestors
  101. peddlern.One who travels from house to house with an assortment of goods for retail
  102. peeragen.The nobility
  103. peerlessadj.Of unequaled excellence or worth
  104. peevishadj.Petulant.(irritable)
  105. pellucidadj.Translucent
  106. penaltyn.The consequences that follow the transgression of natural or divine law
  107. penancen.Punishment to which one voluntarily submits or subjects himself as an expression of penitence
  108. penchantn.A bias in favor of something
  109. pendantn.Anything that hangs from something else, either for ornament or for use
  110. pendulousadj.Hanging, especially so as to swing by an attached end or part
  111. pendulumn.A weight hung on a rod, serving by its oscillation to regulate the rate of a clock
  112. penetrableadj.That may be pierced by physical, moral, or intellectual force
  113. penetratev.To enter or force a way into the interior parts of
  114. penetrationn.Discernment
  115. peninsularadj.Pertaining to a piece of land almost surrounded by water
  116. penitencen.Sorrow for sin with desire to amend and to atone
  117. penitentialadj.Pertaining to sorrow for sin with desire to amend and to atone
  118. pennantn.A small flag
  119. pensionn.A periodical allowance to an individual on account of past service done by him/her
  120. pentagramn.A figure having five points or lobes
  121. pentavalentadj.Quinqeuvalent
  122. pentadn.The number five
  123. pentagonn.A figure, especially, with five angles and five sides
  124. pentahedronn.A solid bounded by five plane faces
  125. pentametern.In prosody, a line of verse containing five units or feet
  126. pentathlonn.The contest of five associated exercises in the great games and the same contestants
  127. penultimateadj.A syllable or member of a series that is last but one
  128. penuriousadj.Excessively sparing in the use of money
  129. penuryn.Indigence
  130. perambulatev.To walk about
  131. perceivev.To have knowledge of, or receive impressions concerning, through the medium of the body senses
  132. perceptibleadj.Cognizable
  133. perceptionn.Knowledge through the senses of the existence and properties of matter or the external world
  134. percipiencen.The act of perceiving
  135. percipientn.One who or that which perceives
  136. percolatev.To filter
  137. percolatorn.A filter
  138. percussionn.The sharp striking of one body against another
  139. peremptoryadj.Precluding question or appeal
  140. perennialadj.Continuing though the year or through many years
  141. perfectibleadj.Capable of being made perfect
  142. perfidyn.Treachery
  143. perforatev.To make a hole or holes through
  144. performv.To accomplish
  145. perfumeryn.The preparation of perfumes
  146. perfunctoryadj.Half-hearted
  147. perhapsadv.Possibly
  148. perigeen.The point in the orbit of the moon when it is nearest the earth
  149. periodicityn.The habit or characteristic of recurrence at regular intervals
  150. peripateticadj.Walking about
  151. perjurev.To swear falsely to
  152. perjuryn.A solemn assertion of a falsity
  153. permanencen.A continuance in the same state, or without any change that destroys the essential form or nature
  154. permanentadj.Durable
  155. permeatev.To pervade
  156. permissibleadj.That may be allowed
  157. permutationn.Reciprocal change, different ordering of same items
  158. perniciousadj.Tending to kill or hurt
  159. perpendicularadj.Straight up and down
  160. perpetratorn.The doer of a wrong or a criminal act
  161. perpetuatev.To preserve from extinction or oblivion
  162. perquisiten.Any profit from service beyond the amount fixed as salary or wages
  163. persecutionn.Harsh or malignant oppression
  164. perseverancen.A persistence in purpose and effort
  165. perseverev.To continue striving in spite of discouragements
  166. persiflagen.Banter
  167. persistv.To continue steadfast against opposition
  168. persistencen.A fixed adherence to a resolve, course of conduct, or the like
  169. personagen.A man or woman as an individual, especially one of rank or high station
  170. personaladj.Not general or public
  171. personalityn.The attributes, taken collectively, that make up the character and nature of an individual
  172. personneln.The force of persons collectively employed in some service
  173. perspectiven.The relative importance of facts or matters from any special point of view
  174. perspicaciousadj.Astute
  175. perspicacityn.Acuteness or discernment
  176. perspicuousadj.Lucid
  177. perspirationn.Sweat
  178. perspirev.To excrete through the pores of the skin
  179. persuadev.To win the mind of by argument, eloquence, evidence, or reflection
  180. persuadableadj.capable of influencing to action by entreaty, statement, or anything that moves the feelings
  181. pertinaciousadj.Persistent or unyielding
  182. pertinacityn.Unyielding adherence
  183. pertinentadj.Relevant
  184. perturbv.To disturb greatly
  185. perturbationn.Mental excitement or confusion
  186. perusaln.The act of reading carefully or thoughtfully
  187. pervadev.To pass or spread through every part
  188. pervasionn.The state of spreading through every part
  189. pervasiveadj.Thoroughly penetrating or permeating
  190. perverseadj.Unreasonable
  191. perversionn.Diversion from the true meaning or proper purpose
  192. perversityn.Wickedness
  193. pervertn.One who has forsaken a doctrine regarded as true for one esteemed false
  194. perviousadj.Admitting the entrance or passage of another substance
  195. pestilencen.A raging epidemic
  196. pestilentadj.Having a malign influence or effect
  197. pestilentialadj.having the nature of or breeding pestilence
  198. peterv.To fail or lose power, efficiency, or value
  199. petrifyv.To convert into a substance of stony hardness and character
  200. petulancen.The character or condition of being impatient, capricious or petulant
  201. petulantadj.Displaying impatience
  202. pharmacopoeian.A book containing the formulas and methods of preparation of medicines for the use of druggists
  203. pharmacyn.The art or business of compounding and dispensing medicines
  204. phenomenaladj.Extraordinary or marvelous
  205. phenomenonn.Any unusual occurrence
  206. philanderv.To play at courtship with a woman
  207. philanthropicadj.Benevolent
  208. philanthropistn.One who endeavors to help his fellow men
  209. philanthropyn.Active humanitarianism
  210. philatelyn.The study and collection of stamps
  211. philharmonicadj.Fond of music
  212. philogynistn.One who is fond of women
  213. philologistn.An expert in linguistics
  214. philologyn.The study of language in connection with history and literature
  215. philosophizev.To seek ultimate causes and principles
  216. philosophyn.The general principles, laws, or causes that furnish the rational explanation of anything
  217. phlegmaticadj.Not easily roused to feeling or action
  218. phoneticadj.Representing articulate sounds or speech
  219. phonicadj.Pertaining to the nature of sound
  220. phonogramn.A graphic character symbolizing an articulate sound
  221. phonologyn.The science of human vocal sounds
  222. phosphorescencen.The property of emitting light
  223. photoelectricadj.Pertaining to the combined action of light and electricity
  224. photometern.Any instrument for measuring the intensity of light or comparing the intensity of two lights
  225. photometryn.The art of measuring the intensity of light
  226. physicistn.A specialist in the science that treats of the phenomena associated with matter and energy
  227. physicsn.The science that treats of the phenomena associated with matter and energy
  228. physiocracyn.The doctrine that land and its products are the only true wealth
  229. physiognomyn.The external appearance merely
  230. physiographyn.Description of nature
  231. physiologyn.The science of organic functions
  232. physiquen.The physical structure or organization of a person
  233. picayuneadj.Of small value
  234. piccolon.A small flute
  235. piecen.A loose or separated part, as distinguished from the whole or the mass
  236. piecemealadv.Gradually
  237. pillagen.Open robbery, as in war
  238. pilloryn.A wooden framework in which an offender is fastened to boards and is exposed to public scorn
  239. pincersn.An instrument having two lever-handles and two jaws working on a pivot
  240. pinchersn.An instrument having two jaws working on a pivot
  241. pinnaclen.A high or topmost point, as a mountain-peak
  242. pioneern.One among the first to explore a country
  243. piousadj.Religious
  244. piquev.To excite a slight degree of anger in
  245. piteousadj.Compassionate
  246. pitiableadj.Contemptible
  247. pitifuladj.Wretched
  248. pitilessadj.Hard-hearted
  249. pittancen.Any small portion or meager allowance
  250. placatev.To bring from a state of angry or hostile feeling to one of patience or friendliness
  251. placidadj.Serene
  252. plagiarismn.The stealing of passages from the writings of another and publishing them as one's own
  253. planispheren.A polar projection of the heavens on a chart
  254. plasticityn.The property of some substances through which the form of the mass can readily be changed
  255. platituden.A written or spoken statement that is flat, dull, or commonplace
  256. plauditn.An expression of applause
  257. plausibleadj.Seeming likely to be true, though open to doubt
  258. playfuladj.Frolicsome
  259. playwrightn.A maker of plays for the stage
  260. plean.An argument to obtain some desired action
  261. pleasantadj.Agreeable
  262. pleasurableadj.Affording gratification
  263. plebeianadj.Common
  264. pledgeen.The person to whom anything is pledged
  265. pledgeorn.One who gives a pledge
  266. plenaryadj.Entire
  267. plenipotentiaryn.A person fully empowered to transact any business
  268. plenituden.Abundance
  269. plenteousadj.Abundant
  270. plumbn.A weight suspended by a line to test the verticality of something
  271. plummetn.A piece of lead for making soundings, adjusting walls to the vertical
  272. pluperfectadj.Expressing past time or action prior to some other past time or action
  273. pluraladj.Containing or consisting of more than one
  274. pluralityn.A majority
  275. plutocracyn.A wealthy class in a political community who control the government by means of their money
  276. pneumaticadj.Pertaining to or consisting of air or gas
  277. poesyn.Poetry
  278. poetastern.An inferior poet
  279. poeticadj.Pertaining to poetry
  280. poeticsn.The rules and principles of poetry
  281. poignancyn.Severity or acuteness, especially of pain or grief
  282. poignantadj.Severely painful or acute to the spirit
  283. poisen.Equilibrium
  284. polaradj.Pertaining to the poles of a sphere, especially of the earth
  285. polemicsn.The art of controversy or disputation
  286. pollenn.The fine dust-like grains or powder formed within the anther of a flowering plant
  287. pollutev.To contaminate
  288. polyarchyn.Government by several or many persons of what- ever class
  289. polycracyn.The rule of many
  290. polygamyn.the fact or condition of having more than one wife or husband at once
  291. polyglotadj.Speaking several tongues
  292. polygonn.A figure having many angles
  293. polyhedronn.A solid bounded by plane faces, especially by more than four
  294. polysyllableadj.Having several syllables, especially more than three syllables
  295. polytechnicadj.Pertaining to, embracing, or practicing many arts
  296. polytheismn.The doctrine or belief that there are more gods than one
  297. pommelv.To beat with something thick or bulky
  298. pomposityn.The quality of being marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner
  299. pompousadj.Marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner
  300. ponderv.To meditate or reflect upon
  301. ponderousadj.Unusually weighty or forcible
  302. pontiffn.The Pope
  303. populacen.The common people
  304. populousadj.Containing many inhabitants, especially in proportion to the territory
  305. portendv.To indicate as being about to happen, especially by previous signs
  306. portentn.Anything that indicates what is to happen
  307. portfolion.A portable case for holding writing-materials, drawings, etc
  308. positv.To present in an orderly manner
  309. positionn.The manner in which a thing is placed
  310. positiveadj.Free from doubt or hesitation
  311. possen.A force of men
  312. possessv.To own
  313. possessionn.The having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command
  314. possessiveadj.Pertaining to the having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command
  315. possessorn.One who owns, enjoys, or controls anything, as property
  316. possibleadj.Being not beyond the reach of power natural, moral, or supernatural
  317. postdatev.To make the date of any writing later than the real date
  318. posteriorn.The hinder part
  319. postgraduateadj.Pertaining to studies that are pursued after receiving a degree
  320. postscriptn.Something added to a letter after the writer's signature
  321. potencyn.Power
  322. potentadj.Physically powerful
  323. potentaten.One possessed of great power or sway
  324. potentialn.Anything that may be possible
  325. potionn.A dose of liquid medicine
  326. powerlessadj.Impotent
  327. practicableadj.Feasible
  328. pratev.To talk about vainly or foolishly
  329. prattlev.To utter in simple or childish talk
  330. preamblen.A statement introductory to and explanatory of what follows
  331. precariousadj.Perilous
  332. precautionn.A provision made in advance for some possible emergency or danger
  333. precedev.To happen first
  334. precedencen.Priority in place, time, or rank
  335. precedentn.An instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule
  336. precedentialadj.Of the nature of an instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule
  337. precessionn.The act of going forward
  338. precipicen.A high and very steep or approximately vertical cliff
  339. precipitantadj.Moving onward quickly and heedlessly
  340. precipitatev.To force forward prematurely
  341. preciseadj.Exact
  342. precisionn.Accuracy of limitation, definition, or adjustment
  343. precludev.To prevent
  344. precociousadj.Having the mental faculties prematurely developed
  345. precursorn.A forerunner or herald
  346. predatoryadj.Prone to pillaging
  347. predecessorn.An incumbent of a given office previous to another
  348. predicamentn.A difficult, trying situation or plight
  349. predicatev.To state as belonging to something
  350. predictv.To foretell
  351. predictionn.A prophecy
  352. predominancen.Ascendancy or preponderance
  353. predominantadj.Superior in power, influence, effectiveness, number, or degree
  354. predominatev.To be chief in importance, quantity, or degree
  355. preeminencen.Special eminence
  356. preemptv.To secure the right of preference in the purchase of public land
  357. preemptionn.The right or act of purchasing before others
  358. preengagev.To preoccupy
  359. preestablishv.To settle or arrange beforehand
  360. preexistv.To exist at a period or in a state earlier than something else
  361. preexistencen.Existence antecedent to something
  362. prefacen.A brief explanation or address to the reader, at the beginning of a book
  363. prefatoryadj.Pertaining to a brief explanation to the reader at the beginning of a book
  364. preferv.To hold in higher estimation
  365. preferableadj.More desirable than others
  366. preferencen.An object of favor or choice
  367. preferentialadj.Possessing, giving, or constituting preference or priority
  368. prefermentn.Preference
  369. prefixv.To attach at the beginning
  370. prehensibleadj.Capable of being grasped
  371. prehensileadj.Adapted for grasping or holding
  372. prehensionn.The act of laying hold of or grasping
  373. prejudicen.A judgment or opinion formed without due examination of the facts
  374. prelacyn.A system of church government
  375. prelaten.One of a higher order of clergy having direct authority over other clergy
  376. preluden.An introductory or opening performance
  377. prematureadj.Coming too soon
  378. premieradj.First in rank or position
  379. premisen.A judgment as a conclusion
  380. premonitionn.Foreboding
  381. preoccupationn.The state of having the mind, attention, or inclination preoccupied
  382. preoccupyv.To fill the mind of a person to the exclusion of other subjects
  383. preordainv.To foreordain
  384. preparationn.An act or proceeding designed to bring about some event
  385. preparatoryadj.Having to do with what is preliminary
  386. preponderantadj.Prevalent
  387. preponderatev.To exceed in influence or power
  388. prepossessionn.A preconceived liking
  389. preposterousadj.Utterly ridiculous or absurd
  390. prerogativeadj.Having superior rank or precedence
  391. presagev.To foretell
  392. presciencen.Knowledge of events before they take place
  393. prescientadj.Foreknowing
  394. prescriptadj.Prescribed as a rule or model
  395. prescriptibleadj.Derived from authoritative direction
  396. prescriptionn.An authoritative direction
  397. presentientadj.Perceiving or feeling beforehand
  398. presentimentn.Foreboding
  399. presentmentn.Semblance
  400. preservationn.Conservation
  401. presumptionn.That which may be logically assumed to be true until disproved
  402. presumptuousadj.Assuming too much
  403. pretensionn.A bold or presumptuous assertion
  404. pretentiousadj.Marked by pretense, conceit, or display
  405. preternaturaladj.Extraordinary
  406. pretextn.A fictitious reason or motive
  407. prevalencen.Frequency
  408. prevalentadj.Of wide extent or frequent occurrence
  409. prevaricatev.To use ambiguous or evasive language for the purpose of deceiving or diverting attention
  410. preventionn.Thwarting
  411. pricklev.To puncture slightly with fine, sharp points
  412. priggishadj.Conceited
  413. primadj.Stiffly proper
  414. primaadj.First
  415. primern.An elementary reading-book for children
  416. primevaladj.Belonging to the first ages
  417. primitiveadj.Pertaining to the beginning or early times
  418. principaladj.Most important
  419. principalityn.The territory of a reigning prince
  420. principlen.A general truth or proposition
  421. prioryn.A monastic house
  422. pristineadj.Primitive
  423. privateern.A vessel owned and officered by private persons, but carrying on maritime war
  424. privilegen.A right or immunity not enjoyed by all, or that may be enjoyed only under special conditions
  425. privityn.Knowledge shared with another or others regarding a private matter
  426. privyadj.Participating with another or others in the knowledge of a secret transaction
  427. probateadj.Relating to making proof, as of a will
  428. probationn.Any proceeding designed to ascertain or test character, qualification, or the like
  429. probev.To search through and through
  430. probityn.Virtue or integrity tested and confirmed
  431. proceduren.A manner or method of acting
  432. proceedv.To renew motion or action, as after rest or interruption
  433. proclamationn.Any announcement made in a public manner
  434. procrastinatev.To put off till tomorrow or till a future time
  435. procrastinationn.Delay
  436. proctorn.An agent acting for another
  437. prodigaln.One wasteful or extravagant, especially in the use of money or property
  438. prodigiousadj.Immense
  439. prodigyn.A person or thing of very remarkable gifts or qualities
  440. productiveadj.Yielding in abundance
  441. professionn.Any calling or occupation involving special mental or other special disciplines
  442. professorn.A public teacher of the highest grade in a university or college
  443. profferv.To offer to another for acceptance
  444. proficiencyn.An advanced state of acquirement, as in some knowledge, art, or science
  445. proficientadj.Possessing ample and ready knowledge or of skill in any art, science, or industry
  446. profilen.An outline or contour
  447. profiteern.One who profits
  448. profligacyn.Shameless viciousness
  449. profligateadj.Abandoned to vice
  450. profuseadj.Produced or displayed in overabundance
  451. progenyn.Offspring
  452. progressionn.A moving forward or proceeding in course
  453. prohibitionn.A decree or an order forbidding something
  454. prohibitionistn.One who favors the prohibition by law of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages
  455. prohibitoryadj.Involving or equivalent to prohibition, especially of the sale of alcoholic beverages
  456. projectionn.A prominence
  457. proletariann.A person of the lowest or poorest class
  458. prolificadj.Producing offspring or fruit
  459. prolixadj.Verbose
  460. prologuen.A prefatory statement or explanation to a poem, discourse, or performance
  461. prolongv.To extend in time or duration
  462. promenadev.To walk for amusement or exercise
  463. prominencen.The quality of being noticeable or distinguished
  464. prominentadj.Conspicuous in position, character, or importance
  465. promiscuousadj.Brought together without order, distinction, or design (for sex)
  466. promissoryadj.Expressing an engagement to pay
  467. promontoryn.A high point of land extending outward from the coastline into the sea
  468. promotern.A furtherer, forwarder, or encourager
  469. promulgatev.To proclaim
  470. propagandan.Any institution or systematic scheme for propagating a doctrine or system
  471. propagatev.To spread abroad or from person to person
  472. propelv.To drive or urge forward
  473. propellantadj.Propelling
  474. propellern.One who or that which propels
  475. prophecyn.Any prediction or foretelling
  476. prophesyv.To predict or foretell, especially under divine inspiration and guidance
  477. propitiousadj.Kindly disposed
  478. proportionateadj.Being in proportion
  479. proprietyn.Accordance with recognized usage, custom, or principles
  480. propulsionn.A driving onward or forward
  481. prosaicadj.Unimaginative
  482. prosceniumn.That part of the stage between the curtain and the orchestra
  483. proscribev.To reject, as a teaching or a practice, with condemnation or denunciation
  484. proscriptionn.Any act of condemnation and rejection from favor and privilege
  485. proselyten.One who has been won over from one religious belief to another
  486. prosodyn.The science of poetical forms
  487. prospectorn.One who makes exploration, search, or examination, especially for minerals
  488. prospectusn.A paper or pamphlet containing information of a proposed undertaking
  489. prostrateadj.Lying prone, or with the head to the ground
  490. protagonistn.A leader in any enterprise or contest
  491. protectionn.Preservation from harm, danger, annoyance, or any other evil
  492. protectiveadj.Sheltering
  493. protectorn.A defender
  494. protegen.One specially cared for and favored by another usually older person
  495. Protestantn.A Christian who denies the authority of the Pope and holds the right of special judgment
  496. protomartyrn.The earliest victim in any cause
  497. protocoln.A declaration or memorandum of agreement less solemn and formal than a treaty
  498. protoplasmn.The substance that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable cell
  499. prototypen.A work, original in character, afterward imitated in form or spirit
  500. protractv.To prolong
  501. protrudev.To push out or thrust forth
  502. protrusionn.The act of protruding
  503. protuberancen.Something that swells out from a surrounding surface
  504. protuberantadj.Bulging
  505. protuberatev.To swell or bulge beyond the surrounding surface
  506. proverbn.A brief, pithy saying, condensing in witty or striking form the wisdom of experience
  507. providentadj.Anticipating and making ready for future wants or emergencies
  508. providentialadj.Effected by divine guidance
  509. provincialadj.Uncultured in thought and manner
  510. provison.A clause in a contract, will, etc., by which its operation is rendered conditional
  511. provocationn.An action or mode of conduct that excites resentment
  512. prowessn.Strength, skill, and intrepidity in battle
  513. proximatelyadv.Immediately
  514. proxyn.A person who is empowered by another to represent him or her in a given matter
  515. prudencen.Caution
  516. prudentialadj.Proceeding or marked by caution
  517. pruderyn.An undue display of modesty or delicacy
  518. prurientadj.Inclined to lascivious thoughts and desires
  519. pseudapostlen.A pretended or false apostle
  520. pseudonymn.A fictitious name, especially when assumed by a writer
  521. pseudonymityn.The state or character of using a fictitious name
  522. psychiatryn.The branch of medicine that relates to mental disease
  523. psychicadj.Pertaining to the mind or soul
  524. psychopathicadj.Morally irresponsible
  525. psychotherapyn.The treatment of mental disease
  526. pudgyadj.Small and fat
  527. puerileadj.Childish
  528. pugnaciousadj.Quarrelsome
  529. puissantadj.Possessing strength
  530. pulmonaryadj.Pertaining to the lungs
  531. punctiliousadj.Strictly observant of the rules or forms prescribed by law or custom
  532. punctualadj.Observant and exact in points of time
  533. pungentadj.Affecting the sense of smell
  534. pungencyn.The quality of affecting the sense of smell
  535. punitiveadj.Pertaining to punishment
  536. pupilagen.The state or period of being a student
  537. purgatoryn.An intermediate state where souls are made fit for paradise or heaven by expiatory suffering
  538. purlv.To cause to whirl, as in an eddy
  539. purloinv.To steal
  540. purportn.Intent
  541. purveyorn.one who supplies
  542. pusillanimousadj.Without spirit or bravery
  543. putrescentadj.Undergoing decomposition of animal or vegetable matter accompanied by fetid odors
  544. pyren.A heap of combustibles arranged for burning a dead body
  545. pyromanian.An insane propensity to set things on fire
  546. pyrotechnicadj.Pertaining to fireworks or their manufacture
  547. pyxn.A vessel or casket, usually of precious metal, in which the host is preserved

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