- gaugen.An instrument for measuring
- gaietyn.Festivity
- gailyadv.Merrily
- gaitn.Carriage of the body in going
- gallantadj.Possessing a brave or chivalrous spirit
- galoreadj.Abundant
- galvanicadj.Pertaining or relating to electricity produced by chemical action
- galvanismn.Current electricity, especially that arising from chemical action
- galvanizev.To imbue with life or animation
- gamblev.To risk money or other possession on an event, chance, or contingency
- gamboln.Playful leaping or frisking
- gamestern.A gambler
- gamutn.The whole range or sequence
- garnishv.In cookery, to surround with additions for embellishment
- garrisonn.The military force stationed in a fort, town, or other place for its defense
- garrotev.To execute by strangling
- garrulousadj.Given to constant trivial talking
- gaseousadj.Light and unsubstantial
- gastricadj.Of, pertaining to, or near the stomach
- gastritisn.Inflammation of the stomach
- gastronomyn.The art of preparing and serving appetizing food
- gendarmen.In continental Europe, particularly in France, a uniformed and armed police officer
- genealogyn.A list, in the order of succession, of ancestors and their descendants
- genealogistn.A tracer of pedigrees
- generalityn.The principal portion
- generalizev.To draw general inferences
- generallyadv.Ordinarily
- generatev.To produce or cause to be
- genericadj.Noting a genus or kind; opposed to specific
- generosityn.A disposition to give liberally or to bestow favors heartily
- genesisn.Creation
- genialityn.Warmth and kindliness of disposition
- genitaladj.Of or pertaining to the animal reproductive organs
- genitiveadj.Indicating source, origin, possession, or the like
- genteeladj.Well-bred or refined
- gentileadj.Belonging to a people not Jewish
- geologyn.The department of natural science that treats of the constitution and structure of the earth
- germaneadj.Relevant
- germinatev.To begin to develop into an embryo or higher form
- gestationn.Pregnancy
- gesticulatev.To make gestures or motions, as in speaking, or in place of speech
- gesturen.A movement or action of the hands or face, expressive of some idea or emotion
- ghastlyadj.Hideous
- gibev.To utter taunts or reproaches
- giddyadj.Affected with a whirling or swimming sensation in the head
- giganticadj.Tremendous
- givern.One who gives, in any sense
- glacialadj.Icy, or icily cold
- glaciern.A field or stream of ice
- gladdenv.To make joyous
- glaziern.One who cuts and fits panes of glass, as for windows
- glimmern.A faint, wavering, unsteady light
- glimpsen.A momentary look
- globoseadj.Spherical
- globularadj.Spherical
- gloriousadj.Of excellence and splendor
- glutinousadj.Sticky
- gluttonousadj.Given to excess in eating
- gnashv.To grind or strike the teeth together, as from rage
- Gordian knotn.Any difficulty the only issue out of which is by bold or unusual manners
- gourmandn.A connoisseur in the delicacies of the table
- goslingn.A young goose
- gossameradj.Flimsy
- gourdn.A melon, pumpkin, squash, or some similar fruit having a hard rind
- gracelessadj.Ungracious
- gradationn.A step, degree, rank, or relative position in an order or series
- gradientadj.Moving or advancing by steps
- granaryn.A storehouse for grain after it is thrashed or husked
- grandeurn.The quality of being grand or admirably great
- grandiloquentadj.Speaking in or characterized by a pompous or bombastic style
- grandioseadj.Having an imposing style or effect
- granteen.The person to whom property is transferred by deed
- grantorn.The maker of a deed
- granularadj.Composed of small grains or particles
- granulatev.To form into grains or small particles
- granulen.A small grain or particle
- grapplev.To take hold of
- gratificationn.Satisfaction
- gratifyv.To please, as by satisfying a physical or mental desire or need
- gratuitousadj.Voluntarily
- gratuityn.That which is given without demand or claim.Tip
- gravityn.Seriousness
- gregariousadj.Not habitually solitary or living alone
- grenadiern.A member of a regiment composed of men of great stature
- griefn.Sorrow
- grievancen.That which oppresses, injures, or causes grief and at the same time a sense of wrong
- grievousadj.Creating affliction
- grimacen.A distortion of the features, occasioned by some feeling of pain, disgust, etc
- grindstonen.A flat circular stone, used for sharpening tools
- grislyadj.Fear-inspiring
- grotesqueadj.Incongruously composed or ill-proportioned
- grotton.A small cavern
- groundn.A pavement or floor or any supporting surface on which one may walk
- guessn.Surmise
- guilen.Duplicity
- guilelessadj.Frank
- guinean.An English monetary unit
- guisen.The external appearance as produced by garb or costume
- gullibleadj.Credulous
- gumptionn.Common sense
- guston.Keen enjoyment
- guyn.Stay-rope
- guzzlev.To swallow greedily or hastily; gulp
- gynecocracyn.Female supremacy
- gynecologyn.The science that treats of the functions and diseases peculiar to women
- gyratev.To revolve
- gyroscopen.An instrument for illustrating the laws of rotation