- tableaun.An arrangement of inanimate figures representing a scene from real life
- tacitadj.Understood
- taciturnadj.Disinclined to conversation
- tackn.A small sharp-pointed nail
- tactn.Fine or ready mental discernment shown in saying or doing the proper thing
- tacticiann.One who directs affairs with skill and shrewdness
- tacticsn.Any maneuvering or adroit management for effecting an object
- tangencyn.The state of touching
- tangentadj.Touching
- tangibleadj.Perceptible by touch
- tanneryn.A place where leather is tanned
- tantalizev.To tease
- tantamountadj.Having equal or equivalent value, effect, or import
- tapestryn.A fabric to which a pattern is applied with a needle, designed for ornamental hangings
- tarnishv.To lessen or destroy the luster of in any way
- tautadj.Stretched tight
- taxationn.A levy, by government, of a fixed contribution
- taxidermyn.The art or process of preserving dead animals or parts of them
- technicadj.Technical
- technicalityn.Something peculiar to a particular art, trade, or the like
- techniquen.Manner of performance
- technographyn.The scientific description or study of human arts and industries in their historic development
- technologyn.The knowledge relating to industries and manufactures
- teemv.To be full to overflowing
- telepathyn.Thought-transference
- telephonyn.The art or process of communicating by telephone
- telescopev.To drive together so that one slides into the another like the sections of a spy-glass
- telltaleadj.That gives warning or information
- temerityn.Recklessness
- temporaladj.Pertaining to or concerned with the affairs of the present life
- temporaryadj.Lasting for a short time only
- temporizev.To pursue a policy of delay
- temptv.To offer to (somebody) an inducement to do wrong
- temptern.An allurer or enticer to evil
- tenaciousadj.Unyielding
- tenantn.An occupant
- tendencyn.Direction or inclination, as toward some objector end
- tenetn.Any opinion, principle, dogma, or doctrine that a person believes or maintains as true
- tenorn.A settled course or manner of progress
- tenseadj.Strained to stiffness
- tentativeadj.Done as an experiment
- tenuren.The term during which a thing is held
- tercentenaryadj.Pertaining to a period of 300 years
- termagantadj.Violently abusive and quarrelsome
- terminaladj.Pertaining to or creative of a boundary, limit
- terminatev.To put an end or stop to
- terminationn.The act of ending or concluding
- terminusn.The final point or goal
- terrifyv.To fill with extreme fear
- territorialadj.Pertaining to the domain over which a sovereign state exercises jurisdiction
- terseadj.Pithy
- testamentn.A will
- testatorn.The maker of a will
- testimonialn.A formal token of regard, often presented in public
- thearchyn.Government by a supreme deity
- theismn.Belief in God
- theocracyn.A government administered by ecclesiastics
- theocrasyn.The mixed worship of polytheism
- theologiann.A professor of divinity
- theologicaladj.Based on or growing out of divine revelation
- theologyn.The branch of theological science that treats of God
- theoreticaladj.Directed toward knowledge for its own sake without respect to applications
- theoristn.One given to speculating
- theorizev.To speculate
- thereaboutadv.Near that number, quantity, degree, place, or time, approximately
- thereforadv.For that or this
- thermaladj.Of or pertaining to heat
- thermoelectricadj.Denoting electricity produced by heat
- thermoelectricityn.Electricity generated by differences of temperature,
- thesisn.An essay or treatise on a particular subject
- thoroughbredadj.Bred from the best or purest blood or stock
- thoroughfaren.A public street or road
- thralln.One controlled by an appetite or a passion
- tilthn.Cultivation
- timbren.The quality of a tone, as distinguished from intensity and pitch
- timorousadj.Lacking courage
- tincturen.A solution, usually alcoholic, of some principle used in medicine
- tingen.A faint trace of color
- tipsyadj.Befuddled with drinks
- tiraden.Harangue
- tirelessadj.Untiring
- tiresomeadj.Wearisome
- Titanicadj.Of vast size or strength
- toilsomeadj.Laborious
- tolerableadj.Moderately good
- tolerancen.Forbearance in judging of the acts or opinions of others
- tolerantadj.Indulgent
- toleratev.To passively permit or put up with
- tolerationn.A spirit of charitable leniency
- topographyn.The art of representing on a map the physical features of any locality or region with accuracy
- torporn.Apathy
- torridadj.Excessively hot
- tortiousadj.Wrongful
- tortuousadj.Abounding in irregular bends or turns
- torturousadj.Marked by extreme suffering
- tractableadj.Easily led or controlled
- traitn.A distinguishing feature or quality
- trajectoryn.The path described by a projectile moving under given forces
- trammeln.An impediment
- tranquiladj.Calm
- tranquilizev.To soothe
- tranquilityn.Calmness
- transalpineadj.Situated on the other side of the Alps
- transactv.To do business
- transatlanticadj.Situated beyond or on the other side of the Atlantic
- transcendv.To surpass
- transcendentadj.Surpassing
- transcontinentaladj.Extending or passing across a continent
- transcribev.To write over again (something already written)
- transcriptn.A copy made directly from an original
- transferv.To convey, remove, or cause to pass from one person or place to another
- transferableadj.Capable of being conveyed from one person or place to another
- transfereen.The person to whom a transfer is made
- transferencen.The act of conveying from one person or place to another
- transferrern.One who or that which conveys from one person or place to another
- transfigurev.To give an exalted meaning or glorified appearance to
- transfusev.To pour or cause to pass, as a fluid, from one vessel to another
- transfusibleadj.Capable of being poured from one vessel to another
- transfusionn.The act of pouring from one vessel to another
- transgressv.To break a law
- transiencen.Something that is of short duration
- transientn.One who or that which is only of temporary existence
- transitionn.Passage from one place, condition, or action to another
- transitoryadj.Existing for a short time only
- translatev.To give the sense or equivalent of in another language or dialect
- translatorn.An interpreter
- translucencen.The property or state of allowing the passage of light
- translucentadj.Allowing the passage of light
- transmissibleadj.That may e sent through or across
- transmissionn.The act of sending through or across
- transmitv.To send trough or across
- transmutev.To change in nature, substance, or form
- transparentadj.Easy to see through or understand
- transpirev.To come to pass
- transplantv.To remove and plant in another place
- transpositionn.The act of reversing the order or changing the place of
- transverseadj.Lying or being across or in a crosswise direction
- travailn.Hard or agonizing labor
- travestyn.A grotesque imitation
- treacherousadj.Perfidious
- treacheryn.Violation of allegiance, confidence, or plighted faith
- treasonableadj.Of the nature of betrayal, treachery, or breech of allegiance
- treatisen.An elaborate literary composition presenting a subject in all its parts
- trebleadj.Multiplied by three
- treblyadv.Triply
- tremendousadj.Awe-inspiring
- tremorn.An involuntary trembling or shivering
- tremulousadj.Characterized by quivering or unsteadiness
- trenchantadj.Cutting deeply and quickly
- trepidationn.Nervous uncertainty of feeling
- trestlen.An open braced framework for supporting the horizontal stringers of a railway-bridge
- triadn.A group of three persons of things
- tribunen.Any champion of the rights and liberties of the people: often used as the name for a newspaper
- trickeryn.Artifice
- tricoloradj.Of three colors
- tricyclen.A three-wheeled vehicle
- tridentn.The three-pronged fork that was the emblem of Neptune
- triennialadj.Taking place every third year
- trimnessn.Neatness
- trinityn.A threefold personality existing in the one divine being or substance
- trion.Three things grouped or associated together
- tripleadj.Threefold
- triplicateadj.Composed of or pertaining to three related things or parts
- triplicityn.The state of being triple or threefold
- tripodn.A three-legged stand, usually hinged near the top, for supporting some instrument
- trisectv.To divide into three parts, especially into three equal parts
- triteadj.Made commonplace by frequent repetition
- triumvirn.One of three men united coordinately in public office or authority
- trivialadj.Of little importance or value
- troublesomeadj.Burdensome
- truculencen.Ferocity
- truculentadj.Having the character or the spirit of a savage
- truismn.A statement so plainly true as hardly to require statement or proof
- truthfuladj.Veracious
- turgidadj.Swollen
- turpituden.Depravity
- tutelagen.The act of training or the state of being under instruction
- tutelaradj.Protective
- tutorshipn.The office of a guardian
- twingen.A darting momentary local pain
- typicaladj.Characteristic
- typifyv.To serve as a characteristic example of
- typographicaladj.Pertaining to typography or printing
- typographyn.The arrangement of composed type, or the appearance of printed matter
- tyrannicaladj.Despotic
- tyrannyn.Absolute power arbitrarily or unjustly administrated
- tyron.One slightly skilled in or acquainted with any trade or profession