- quackeryn.Charlatanry
- quadratev.To divide into quarters
- quadruplev.To multiply by four
- qualificationn.A requisite for an employment, position, right, or privilege
- qualifyv.To endow or furnish with requisite ability, character, knowledge, skill, or possessions
- qualmn.A fit of nausea
- quandaryn.A puzzling predicament
- quantityn.Magnitude
- quarantinen.The enforced isolation of any person or place infected with contagious disease
- quarrelsomeadj.Irascible
- quartern.One of four equal parts into which anything is or may be divided
- quarterlyadj.Occurring or made at intervals of three months
- quartetn.A composition for four voices or four instruments
- quarton.An eight-page newspaper of any size
- quayn.A wharf or artificial landing-place on the shore of a harbor or projecting into it
- querulousadj.Habitually complaining
- queryv.To make inquiry
- queuen.A file of persons waiting in order of their arrival, as for admittance
- quibblen.An utterly trivial distinction or objection
- quiescencen.Quiet
- quiescentadj.Being in a state of repose or inaction
- quietadj.Making no noise
- quietusn.A silencing, suppressing, or ending
- quintessencen.The most essential part of anything
- quintetn.Musical composition arranged for five voices or instruments
- quiteadv.Fully
- Quixoticadj.Chivalrous or romantic to a ridiculous or extravagant degree