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  1. fabricatev.To invent fancifully or falsely
  2. fabulousadj.Incredible
  3. facetn.One of the small triangular plane surfaces of a diamond or other gem
  4. facetiousadj.Amusing
  5. facialadj.Pertaining to the face
  6. facileadj.Not difficult to do
  7. facilitatev.To make more easy
  8. facilityn.Ease
  9. facsimilen.An exact copy or reproduction
  10. factionn.A number of persons combined for a common purpose
  11. factiousadj.Turbulent
  12. fallaciousadj.Illogical
  13. fallacyn.Any unsound or delusive mode of reasoning, or anything based on such reasoning
  14. fallibleadj.Capable of erring
  15. fallown.Land broken up and left to become mellow or to rest
  16. famishv.To suffer extremity of hunger or thirst
  17. fanaticn.A religious zealot
  18. fanciern.One having a taste for or interest in special objects
  19. fancilessadj.Unimaginative
  20. fastidiousadj.Hard to please
  21. fathomn.A measure of length, 6 feet
  22. fatuousadj.Idiotic
  23. faultyadj.Imperfect
  24. faunn.One of a class of deities of the woods and herds represented as half human, with goats feet
  25. fawnn.A young deer
  26. fealtyn.Loyalty
  27. feasibleadj.That may be done, performed, or effected; practicable
  28. federatev.To league together
  29. feintn.Any sham, pretense, or deceptive movement
  30. felicitatev.To wish joy or happiness to, especially in view of a coming event
  31. felicityn.A state of well-founded happiness
  32. felonn.A criminal or depraved person
  33. feloniousadj.Showing criminal or evil purpose
  34. felonyn.One of the highest class of offenses, and punishable with death or imprisonment
  35. feminineadj.Characteristic of woman or womankind
  36. ferneryn.A place in which ferns are grown
  37. ferociousadj.Of a wild, fierce, and savage nature
  38. ferocityn.Savageness
  39. ferventadj.Ardent in feeling
  40. fervidadj.Intense
  41. fervorn.Ardor or intensity of feeling
  42. festaladj.Joyous
  43. festiveadj.Merry
  44. feten.A festival or feast
  45. fetusn.The young in the womb or in the egg
  46. feudaladj.Pertaining to the relation of lord and vassal
  47. feudalismn.The feudal system
  48. fezn.A brimless felt cap in the shape of a truncated cone, usually red with a black tassel
  49. fiascon.A complete or humiliating failure
  50. fickleadj.Unduly changeable in feeling, judgment, or purpose
  51. fictitiousadj.Created or formed by the imagination
  52. fidelityn.Loyalty
  53. fiducialadj.Indicative of faith or trust
  54. fiefn.A landed estate held under feudal tenure
  55. filibustern.One who attempts to obstruct legislation
  56. finalen.Concluding performance
  57. finalityn.The state or quality of being final or complete
  58. finallyadv.At last
  59. financialadj.Monetary
  60. financiern.One skilled in or occupied with financial affairs or operations
  61. fineryn.That which is used to decorate the person or dress
  62. finessen.Subtle contrivance used to gain a point
  63. finiteadj.Limited
  64. fiscaladj.Pertaining to the treasury or public finances of a government
  65. fishmongern.One who sells fish
  66. fissuren.A crack or crack-like depression
  67. fitfuladj.Spasmodic
  68. fixturen.One who or that which is expected to remain permanently in its position
  69. flag-officern.The captain of a flag-ship
  70. flagrantadj.Openly scandalous
  71. flamboyantadj.Characterized by extravagance and in general by want of good taste
  72. flatulencen.Accumulation of gas in the stomach and bowels
  73. flectionn.The act of bending
  74. fledglingn.A young bird
  75. flexibleadj.Pliable
  76. flimsyadj.Thin and weak
  77. flippantadj.Having a light, pert, trifling disposition
  78. floen.A collection of tabular masses of floating polar ice
  79. floran.The aggregate of plants growing without cultivation in a district
  80. floraladj.Pertaining to flowers
  81. floridadj.Flushed with red
  82. floristn.A dealer in flowers
  83. fluctuatev.To pass backward and forward irregularly from one state or degree to another
  84. fluctuationn.Frequent irregular change back and forth from one state or degree to another
  85. fluen.A smoke-duct in a chimney
  86. fluentadj.Having a ready or easy flow of words or ideas
  87. fluentialadj.Pertaining to streams
  88. fluxn.A state of constant movement, change, or renewal
  89. foggyadj.Obscure
  90. foiblen.A personal weakness or failing
  91. foistv.To palm off
  92. foliagen.Any growth of leaves
  93. folion.A sheet of paper folded once, or of a size adapted to folding once
  94. folk-loren.The traditions, beliefs, and customs of the common people
  95. fondlev.To handle tenderly and lovingly
  96. fooleryn.Folly
  97. foot-noten.A note of explanation or comment at the foot of a page or column
  98. fopperyn.Dandyism
  99. foppishadj.Characteristic of one who is unduly devoted to dress and the niceties of manners
  100. forbearancen.Patient endurance or toleration of offenses
  101. forbyadv.Besides
  102. forcibleadj.Violent
  103. forecourtn.A court opening directly from the street
  104. forejudgev.To judge of before hearing evidence
  105. forepeakn.The extreme forward part of a ship's hold, under the lowest deck
  106. foreshoren.That part of a shore uncovered at low tide
  107. forebodev.To be an omen or warning sign of, especially of evil
  108. forecastv.To predict
  109. forecastlen.That part of the upper deck of a ship forward of the after fore-shrouds
  110. foreclosev.To bar by judicial proceedings the equitable right of a mortgagor to redeem property
  111. forefathern.An ancestor
  112. foregov.To deny oneself the pleasure or profit of
  113. foregroundn.That part of a landscape or picture situated or represented as nearest the spectator
  114. foreheadn.The upper part of the face, between the eyes and the hair
  115. foreignadj.Belonging to, situated in, or derived from another country
  116. foreignern.A citizen of a foreign country
  117. foreknowledgen.Prescience
  118. foremann.The head man
  119. foreordainv.To predetermine
  120. foreordinationn.Predestination
  121. forerunv.To go before as introducing or ushering in
  122. foresailn.A square sail
  123. foreseev.To discern beforehand
  124. foresightn.Provision against harm or need
  125. foretellv.To predict
  126. forethoughtn.Premeditation
  127. forfeitv.To lose possession of through failure to fulfill some obligation
  128. forfendv.To ward off
  129. forgeryn.Counterfeiting
  130. forgov.To deny oneself
  131. formationn.Relative disposition of parts
  132. formidableadj.Difficult to accomplish
  133. formulan.Fixed rule or set form
  134. forswearv.To renounce upon oath
  135. forten.A strong point
  136. forthadv.Into notice or view
  137. forthrightadv.With directness
  138. fortifyv.To provide with defensive works
  139. fortituden.Patient courage
  140. foursomeadj.Consisting of four
  141. fracturen.A break
  142. fragileadj.Easily broken
  143. frailtyn.Liability to be broken or destroyed
  144. fragileadj.Capable of being broken
  145. frankincensen.A gum or resin which on burning yields aromatic fumes
  146. franticadj.Frenzied
  147. fraternaladj.Brotherly
  148. fraudulencen.Deceitfulness
  149. fraudulentadj.Counterfeit
  150. frayv.To fret at the edge so as to loosen or break the threads
  151. freemasonn.A member of an ancient secret fraternity originally confined to skilled artisans
  152. freethinkern.One who rejects authority or inspiration in religion
  153. free traden.Commerce unrestricted by tariff or customs
  154. frequencyn.The comparative number of any kind of occurrences within a given time or space
  155. frescon.The art of painting on a surface of plaster, particularly on walls and ceilings
  156. freshnessn.The state, quality, or degree of being fresh
  157. fretfuladj.Disposed to peevishness
  158. frightfuladj.Apt to induce terror or alarm
  159. frigidadj.Lacking warmth
  160. frigidariumn.A room kept at a low temperature for preserving fruits, meat, etc
  161. frivolityn.A trifling act, thought, saying, or practice
  162. frivolousadj.Trivial
  163. frizzv.To give a crinkled, fluffy appearance to
  164. frizzlev.To cause to crinkle or curl, as the hair
  165. frolicsomeadj.Prankish
  166. frontiern.The part of a nation's territory that abuts upon another country
  167. frowzyadj.Slovenly in appearance
  168. frugaladj.Economical
  169. fruitionn.Fulfillment
  170. fugaciousadj.Fleeting
  171. fulcrumn.The support on or against which a lever rests, or the point about which it turns
  172. fulminatev.To cause to explode
  173. fulsomeadj.Offensive from excess of praise or commendation
  174. fumigatev.To subject to the action of smoke or fumes, especially for disinfection
  175. functionaryn.An official
  176. fundamentaladj.Basal
  177. fungibleadj.That may be measured, counted, or weighed
  178. fungousadj.Spongy
  179. fungusn.A plant destitute of chlorophyll, as a mushroom
  180. furbishv.To restore brightness or beauty to
  181. furlongn.A measure, one-eighth of a mile
  182. furloughn.A temporary absence of a soldier or sailor by permission of the commanding officer
  183. furriern.A dealer in or maker of fur goods
  184. furtheradj.More distant or advanced
  185. furtherancen.Advancement
  186. furtiveadj.Stealthy or sly, like the actions of a thief
  187. fusev.To unite or blend as by melting together
  188. fusibleadj.Capable of being melted by heat
  189. futileadj.Of no avail or effect
  190. futuristn.A person of expectant temperament

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