- vacatev.To leave
- vaccinatev.To inoculate with vaccine virus or virus of cowpox
- vacillatev.To waver
- vacuousadj.Empty
- vacuumn.A space entirely devoid of matter
- vagabondn.A wanderer
- vagrantn.An idle wanderer
- vaingloryn.Excessive, pretentious, and demonstrative vanity
- valen.Level or low land between hills
- valedictionn.A bidding farewell
- valedictoriann.Student who delivers an address at graduating exercises of an educational institution
- valedictoryn.A parting address
- validadj.Founded on truth
- valorousadj.Courageous
- vapidadj.Having lost sparkling quality and flavor
- vaporizern.An atomizer
- variableadj.Having a tendency to change
- variancen.Change
- variantn.A thing that differs from another in form only, being the same in essence or substance
- variationn.Modification
- variegatev.To mark with different shades or colors
- vassaln.A slave or bondman
- vaudevillen.A variety show
- vegetaladj.Of or pertaining to plants
- vegetariann.One who believes in the theory that man's food should be exclusively vegetable
- vegetatev.To live in a monotonous, passive way without exercise of the mental faculties
- vegetationn.Plant-life in the aggregate
- vegetativeadj.Pertaining to the process of plant-life
- vehementadj.Very eager or urgent
- velocityn.Rapid motion
- velvetyadj.Marked by lightness and softness
- venaladj.Mercenary, corrupt
- vendibleadj.Marketable
- venditionn.The act of selling
- vendorn.A seller
- veneern.Outside show or elegance
- venerableadj.Meriting or commanding high esteem
- veneratev.To cherish reverentially
- venerealadj.Pertaining to or proceeding from sexual intercourse
- venialadj.That may be pardoned or forgiven, a forgivable sin
- venisonn.The flesh of deer
- venomn.The poisonous fluid that certain animals secrete
- venousadj.Of, pertaining to, or contained or carried in a vein or veins
- veraciousadj.Habitually disposed to speak the truth
- veracityn.Truthfulness
- verbatimadv.Word for word
- verbiagen.Use of many words without necessity
- verboseadj.Wordy
- verdantadj.Green with vegetation
- verificationn.The act of proving to be true, exact, or accurate
- verifyv.To prove to be true, exact, or accurate
- verilyadv.In truth
- verityn.Truth
- verminn.A noxious or troublesome animal
- vernacularn.The language of one's country
- vernaladj.Belonging to or suggestive of the spring
- versatileadj.Having an aptitude for applying oneself to new and varied tasks or to various subjects
- versionn.A description or report of something as modified by one's character or opinion
- vertexn.Apex
- verticaladj.Lying or directed perpendicularly to the horizon
- vertigon.Dizziness
- vestigen.A visible trace, mark, or impression, of something absent, lost, or gone
- vestmentn.Clothing or covering
- veton.The constitutional right in a chief executive of refusing to approve an enactment
- vicariousadj.Suffered or done in place of or for the sake of another
- viceroyn.A ruler acting with royal authority in place of the sovereign in a colony or province
- vicissituden.A change, especially a complete change, of condition or circumstances, as of fortune
- viev.To contend
- vigilancen.Alert and intent mental watchfulness in guarding against danger
- vigilantadj.Being on the alert to discover and ward off danger or insure safety
- vignetten.A picture having a background or that is shaded off gradually
- vincibleadj.Conquerable
- vindicatev.To prove true, right, or real
- vindicatoryadj.Punitive
- vindicativeadj.Revengeful
- vineryn.A greenhouse for grapes
- violn.A stringed instrument of the violin class
- violan.A musical instrument somewhat larger than a violin
- violatorn.One who transgresses
- violationn.Infringement
- violoncellon.A stringed instrument held between the player's knees
- viragon.A bold, impudent, turbulent woman
- virileadj.Masculine
- virtun.Rare, curious, or beautiful quality
- virtualadj.Being in essence or effect, but not in form or appearance
- virtuoson.A master in the technique of some particular fine art
- virulencen.Extreme poisonousness
- virulentadj.Exceedingly noxious or deleterious
- visagen.The face, countenance, or look of a person
- viscountn.In England, a title of nobility, ranking fourth in the order of British peerage
- vistan.A view or prospect
- visualadj.Perceptible by sight
- visualizev.To give pictorial vividness to a mental representation
- vitalityn.The state or quality of being necessary to existence or continuance
- vitalizev.To endow with life or energy
- vitiatev.To contaminate
- vituperableadj.Deserving of censure
- vivacityn.Liveliness
- vivifyv.To endue with life
- vivisectionn.The dissection of a living animal
- vocablen.a word, especially one regarded in relation merely to its qualities of sound
- vocativeadj.Of or pertaining to the act of calling
- vociferancen.The quality of making a clamor
- vociferatev.To utter with a loud and vehement voice
- vociferousadj.Making a loud outcry
- voguen.The prevalent way or fashion
- volantadj.Flying or able to fly
- volatileadj.Changeable
- volitionn.An act or exercise of will
- volitiveadj.Exercising the will
- volubleadj.Having great fluency in speaking
- voluptuousadj.having fullness of beautiful form, as a woman, with or without sensuous or sensual quality
- voraciousadj.Eating with greediness or in very large quantities
- vortexn.A mass of rotating or whirling fluid, especially when sucked spirally toward the center
- votaryadj.Consecrated by a vow or promise
- votiveadj.Dedicated by a vow
- vulgarityn.Lack of refinement in conduct or speech
- vulnerableadj.Capable of receiving injuries