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  1. oakenadj.Made of or from oak
  2. oakumn.Hemp-fiber obtained by untwisting and picking out loosely the yarns of old hemp rope
  3. obdurateadj.Impassive to feelings of humanity or pity
  4. obeliskn.A square shaft with pyramidal top, usually monumental or commemorative
  5. obeseadj.Exceedingly fat
  6. obesityn.Excessive fatness
  7. obituaryadj.A published notice of a death
  8. objectiveadj.Grasping and representing facts as they are
  9. objectorn.One who objects, as to a proposition, measure, or ruling
  10. obligatev.To hold to the fulfillment of duty
  11. obligatoryadj.Binding in law or conscience
  12. obliqueadj.Slanting; said of lines
  13. obliteratev.To cause to disappear
  14. oblivionn.The state of having passed out of the memory or of being utterly forgotten
  15. oblongadj.Longer than broad: applied most commonly to rectangular objects considerably elongated
  16. obnoxiousadj.Detestable
  17. obsequiesn.Funeral rites
  18. obsequiousadj.Showing a servile readiness to fall in with the wishes or will of another
  19. observancen.A traditional form or customary act
  20. observantadj.Quick to notice
  21. observatoryn.A building designed for systematic astronomical observations
  22. obsolescencen.The condition or process of gradually falling into disuse
  23. obsolescentadj.Passing out of use, as a word
  24. obsoleteadj.No longer practiced or accepted
  25. obstetriciann.A practitioner of midwifery
  26. obstetricsn.The branch of medical science concerned with the treatment and care of women during pregnancy
  27. obstinacyn.Stubborn adherence to opinion, arising from conceit or the desire to have one's own way
  28. obstreperousadj.Boisterous
  29. obstructv.To fill with impediments so as to prevent passage, either wholly or in part
  30. obstructionn.Hindrance
  31. obtrudev.To be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence
  32. obtrusiveadj.Tending to be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence
  33. obvertv.To turn the front or principal side of (a thing) toward any person or object
  34. obviatev.To clear away or provide for, as an objection or difficulty
  35. occasionn.An important event or celebration
  36. Occidentn.The countries lying west of Asia and the Turkish dominions
  37. occludev.To absorb, as a gas by a metal
  38. occultadj.Existing but not immediately perceptible
  39. occupantn.A tenant in possession of property, as distinguished from the actual owner
  40. occurrencen.A happening
  41. octagonn.A figure with eight sides and eight angles
  42. octaven.A note at this interval above or below any other, considered in relation to that other
  43. octavon.A book, or collection of paper in which the sheets are so folded as to make eight leaves
  44. octogenarianadj.A person of between eighty and ninety years
  45. ocularadj.Of or pertaining to the eye
  46. oculistn.One versed or skilled in treating diseases of the eye
  47. oddityn.An eccentricity
  48. oden.The form of lyric poetry anciently intended to be sung
  49. odiousadj.Hateful
  50. odiumn.A feeling of extreme repugnance, or of dislike and disgust
  51. odoriferousadj.Having or diffusing an odor or scent, especially an agreeable one
  52. odorousadj.Having an odor, especially a fragrant one
  53. offadj.Farther or more distant
  54. offhandadv.Without preparation
  55. officiatev.To act as an officer or leader
  56. officiousadj.Intermeddling with what is not one's concern
  57. offshootn.Something that branches off from the parent stock
  58. ogren.A demon or monster that was supposed to devour human beings
  59. ointmentn.A fatty preparation with a butter-like consistency in which a medicinal substance exists
  60. olfactoryadj.of or pertaining to the sense of smell
  61. olive-branchn.A branch of the olive-tree, as an emblem of peace
  62. ominousadj.Portentous
  63. omissionn.Exclusion
  64. omnipotencen.Unlimited and universal power
  65. Omnipotentadj.Possessed of unlimited and universal power
  66. omnisciencen.Unlimited or infinite knowledge
  67. omniscientadj.Characterized by unlimited or infinite knowledge
  68. omnivorousadj.Eating or living upon food of all kinds indiscriminately
  69. onerousadj.Burdensome or oppressive
  70. onrushn.Onset
  71. onsetn.An assault, especially of troops, upon an enemy or fortification
  72. onslaughtn.A violent onset
  73. onusn.A burden or responsibility
  74. opalescencen.The property of combined refraction and reflection of light, resulting in smoky tints
  75. opaqueadj.Impervious to light
  76. operatev.To put in action and supervise the working of
  77. operativeadj.Active
  78. operatorn.One who works with or controls some machine or scientific apparatus
  79. operettan.A humorous play in dialogue and music, of more than one act
  80. opinionn.A conclusion or judgment held with confidence, but falling short of positive knowledge
  81. opponentn.One who supports the opposite side in a debate, discussion, struggle, or sport
  82. opportuneadj.Especially fit as occurring, said, or done at the right moment
  83. opportunistn.One who takes advantage of circumstances to gain his ends
  84. opportunityn.Favorable or advantageous chance or opening
  85. oppositeadj.Radically different or contrary in action or movement
  86. opprobriumn.The state of being scornfully reproached or accused of evil
  87. opticn.Pertaining to the eye or vision
  88. opticiann.One who makes or deals in optical instruments or eye-glasses
  89. opticsn.The science that treats of light and vision, and all that is connected with sight
  90. optimismn.The view that everything in nature and the history of mankind is ordered for the best
  91. optionn.The right, power, or liberty of choosing
  92. optometryn.Measurement of the powers of vision
  93. opulencen.Affluence
  94. opulentadj.Wealthy
  95. oraladj.Uttered through the mouth
  96. oratev.To deliver an elaborate or formal public speech
  97. orationn.An elaborate or formal public speech
  98. oratorn.One who delivers an elaborate or formal speech
  99. oratorion.A composition for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra, generally taken from the Scriptures
  100. oratoryn.The art of public speaking
  101. ordealn.Anything that severely tests courage, strength, patience, conscience, etc
  102. ordinaln.That form of the numeral that shows the order of anything in a series, as first, second, third
  103. ordinationn.A consecration to the ministry
  104. ordnancen.A general name for all kinds of weapons and their appliances used in war
  105. orgiesn.Wild or wanton revelry
  106. originn.The beginning of that which becomes or is made to be
  107. originaladj.Not copied nor produced by imitation
  108. originatev.To cause or constitute the beginning or first stage of the existence of
  109. ornateadj.Ornamented to a marked degree
  110. orthodoxadj.Holding the commonly accepted faith
  111. orthodoxyn.Acceptance of the common faith
  112. orthogonaladj.Having or determined by right angles
  113. orthopedicadj.Relating to the correcting or preventing of deformity
  114. orthopedistn.One who practices the correcting or preventing of deformity
  115. oscillatev.To swing back and forth
  116. osculatev.To kiss
  117. ossifyv.to convert into bone
  118. ostentationn.A display dictated by vanity and intended to invite applause or flattery
  119. ostracismn.Exclusion from intercourse or favor, as in society or politics
  120. ostracizev.To exclude from public or private favor
  121. oughtv.To be under moral obligation to be or do
  122. oustv.To eject
  123. out-and-outadv.Genuinely
  124. outbreakn.A sudden and violent breaking forth, as of something that has been pent up or restrained
  125. outburstn.A violent issue, especially of passion in an individual
  126. outcastn.One rejected and despised, especially socially
  127. outcryn.A vehement or loud cry or clamor
  128. outdov.To surpass
  129. outlandishadj.Of barbarous, uncouth, and unfamiliar aspect or action
  130. outlastv.To last longer than
  131. outlawn.A habitual lawbreaker
  132. outlivev.To continue to exist after
  133. out-of-the-wayadj.Remotely situated
  134. outpostn.A detachment of troops stationed at a distance from the main body to guard against surprise
  135. outragen.A gross infringement of morality or decency
  136. outrageousadj.Shocking in conduct
  137. outreachv.To reach or go beyond
  138. outridev.To ride faster than
  139. outriggern.A part built or arranged to project beyond a natural outline for support
  140. outrightadv.Entirely
  141. outskirtn.A border region
  142. outstretchv.To extend
  143. outstripv.To go beyond
  144. outweighv.To surpass in importance or excellence
  145. overdov.To overtax the strength of
  146. overdosen.An excessive dose, usually so large a dose of a medicine that its effect is toxic
  147. overeatv.To eat to excess
  148. overhangn.A portion of a structure which projects or hangs over
  149. overleapv.To leap beyond
  150. overlordn.One who holds supremacy over another
  151. overpassv.To pass across or over, as a river
  152. overpayv.To pay or reward in excess
  153. overpowerv.To gain supremacy or victory over by superior power
  154. overproductionn.Excessive production
  155. overreachv.To stretch out too far
  156. overrunv.To infest or ravage
  157. overseev.To superintend
  158. overseern.A supervisor
  159. overshadowv.To cast into the shade or render insignificant by comparison
  160. overstridev.To step beyond
  161. overthrowv.To vanquish an established ruler or government
  162. overtonen.A harmonic
  163. overturen.An instrumental prelude to an opera, oratorio, or ballet
  164. overweightn.Preponderance

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