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Microsoft DirectX 9.0 |
This section contains reference information for the Component Object Model (COM) interfaces provided by the Direct3D extensions (D3DX) utility library. The following interfaces are used with the D3DX utility library.
- ID3DXAllocateHierarchy
- ID3DXAnimationController
- ID3DXAnimationSet
- ID3DXBaseEffect
- ID3DXBaseMesh
- ID3DXBuffer
- ID3DXConstantTable
- ID3DXEffect
- ID3DXEffectCompiler
- ID3DXEffectPool
- ID3DXFont
- ID3DXFragmentLinker
- ID3DXInclude
- ID3DXInterpolator
- ID3DXKeyFrameInterpolator
- ID3DXLine
- ID3DXLoadUserData
- ID3DXMatrixStack
- ID3DXMesh
- ID3DXPatchMesh
- ID3DXPMesh
- ID3DXRenderToEnvMap
- ID3DXRenderToSurface
- ID3DXSaveUserData
- ID3DXSkinInfo
- ID3DXSprite