Microsoft DirectX 9.0 |
The IAMTimelineComp interface inserts or retrieves virtual tracks on a
A composition is a collection of layers that acts as a single, composited
The topmost nodes in the
To create a composition object, call IAMTimeline::CreateEmptyNode with the value TIMELINE_MAJOR_TYPE_COMPOSITE. You can query the returned IAMTimelineObj pointer for the IAMTimelineComp interface. For more information, see The Timeline Model and Constructing a Timeline.
In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IAMTimelineComp interface exposes the following methods.
Method | Description |
GetCountOfType | Retrieves the number of objects of a given type contained in this composition and all of its virtual tracks, recursively. |
GetNextVTrack | Retrieves the next virtual track after a specified virtual track. |
GetRecursiveLayerOfType | Performs a depth-first ordering of the virtual tracks contained in this composition, and retrieves the nth virtual track from that ordering. |
GetRecursiveLayerOfTypeI | Not supported. |
GetVTrack | Retrieves the virtual track at the specified priority. |
VTrackGetCount | Retrieves the number of virtual tracks contained in the composition. |
VTrackInsBefore | Inserts a virtual track into the composition at the specified priority. |
VTrackSwapPriorities | Switches the priority levels of two tracks. |
Header: Include Qedit.h. This header file is not compatible with Microsoft® Direct3D® headers later than version 7.
Library: Use strmiids.lib.