Microsoft DirectX 9.0

CSoundManager Sample Class

The CSoundManager sample class contains functionality for creating and initializing DirectSound, accessing the primary buffer, and creating secondary buffers.

class CSoundManager


    HRESULT Initialize( HWND hWnd, DWORD dwCoopLevel );
    inline  LPDIRECTSOUND8 GetDirectSound() { return m_pDS; }
    HRESULT SetPrimaryBufferFormat( DWORD dwPrimaryChannels, 
        DWORD dwPrimaryFreq, DWORD dwPrimaryBitRate );
    HRESULT Get3DListenerInterface(LPDIRECTSOUND3DLISTENER* ppDSListener );
    HRESULT Create( CSound** ppSound, LPTSTR strWaveFileName, 
        DWORD dwCreationFlags = 0, GUID guid3DAlgorithm = GUID_NULL, 
        DWORD dwNumBuffers = 1 );
    HRESULT CreateFromMemory( CSound** ppSound, BYTE* pbData, 
        ULONG ulDataSize, LPWAVEFORMATEX pwfx, DWORD dwCreationFlags = 0,
        GUID guid3DAlgorithm = GUID_NULL, DWORD dwNumBuffers = 1 );
    HRESULT CreateStreaming( CStreamingSound** ppStreamingSound, 
        LPTSTR strWaveFileName, DWORD dwCreationFlags, 
        GUID guid3DAlgorithm, DWORD dwNotifyCount, DWORD dwNotifySize,
        HANDLE hNotifyEvent );


The constructor initializes a data member.

Public Methods

The class contains the following public methods, in alphabetical order.

Method Description
Create Creates a CSound object associated with a WAV file and containing the specified number of buffers. For information on possible values in the dwCreationFlags and guid3DAlgorithm parameters, see DSBUFFERDESC.
CreateFromMemory Creates a CSound object associated with a waveform in memory and containing the specified number of buffers. For information on possible values in the dwCreationFlags and guid3DAlgorithm parameters, see DSBUFFERDESC.
CreateStreaming Creates a CStreamingSound object associated with a WAV file and containing a single streaming buffer. The application specifies notification positions and an event. In response to notifications, the application calls CStreamingSound::HandleWaveStreamNotification to refresh the data in the buffer. For information on possible values in the dwCreationFlags and guid3DAlgorithm parameters, see DSBUFFERDESC.
Get3DListenerInterface Retrieves the IDirectSound3DListener8 interface.
GetDirectSound Retrieves the IDirectSound8 interface of the DirectSound object created by Initialize.
Initialize Creates the DirectSound object and sets the cooperative level.
SetPrimaryBufferFormat Sets the format of the primary buffer. This method should not be used by most applications. For more information, see Mixing Sounds.

The class is implemented in (SDK root)\samples\C++\Common\Src\Dsutil.cpp.

See Also