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Microsoft DirectX 9.0 |
Applications use the methods of the ID3DXMatrixStack interface to manipulate a matrix stack.
ID3DXMatrixStack Members
GetTop Retrieves the current matrix at the top of the stack.
LoadIdentity Loads identity in the current matrix.
LoadMatrix Loads the given matrix into the current matrix.
MultMatrix Determines the product of the current matrix and the given matrix.
MultMatrixLocal Determines the product of the given matrix and the current matrix.
Pop Removes the current matrix from the top of the stack.
Push Adds a matrix to the stack.
RotateAxis Determines the product of the current matrix and the computed rotation matrix.
RotateAxisLocal Determines the product of the computed rotation matrix and the current matrix.
RotateYawPitchRoll Determines the product of the current matrix and the computed rotation matrix (composed of a given yaw, pitch, and roll).
RotateYawPitchRollLocal Determines the product of the computed rotation matrix (composed of a given yaw, pitch, and roll) and the current matrix.
Scale Determines the product of the current matrix and the computed scale matrix composed from the given point (x, y, and z).
ScaleLocal Determines the product of the computed scale matrix composed from the given point (x, y, and z) and the current matrix.
Translate Determines the product of the current matrix and the computed translation matrix determined by the given factors (x, y, and z).
TranslateLocal Determines the product of the computed translation matrix determined by the given factors (x, y, and z) and the current matrix.
The ID3DXMatrixStack interface is obtained by calling the D3DXCreateMatrixStack function.
The ID3DXMatrixStack interface, like all Component Object Model (COM) interfaces, inherits the IUnknown interface methods.
Interface Information
Inherits from IUnknown Header d3dx9math.h Import library d3dx9.lib Minimum operating systems Windows 98