Microsoft DirectX 9.0

Transport Information Interfaces

The following interfaces are implemented on a BDA Network Provider filter, a BDA MPEG-2 Transport Information Filter (TIF), or a Guide Data Loader.

These interfaces are not used by applications. They are used solely to enable the Network Provider, TIF, and Loader to share information essential to tuning on MPEG-2 transport streams. These interfaces are documented so that independent software vendors (ISVs) can create guide data loaders and TV applications that support standard or non-standard network types. To use these interfaces, you should have a good understanding of MPEG-2 transport streams and the Microsoft Unified Tuning Model. (For more information, see The Microsoft Unified Tuning Model.)

The following transport information interfaces are supported.

Interface Description
IBDA_TIF_REGISTRATION Enables a Transport Information Filter (TIF) to register itself with the Network Provider.
IEnumGuideDataProperties Represents a collection of guide data properties for programs, services, and schedule entries that have been generated by the TIF.
IEnumTuneRequests Represents a collection of tune request objects.
IGuideData Implemented on the Transport Information Filter (TIF) and used by a guide data loader to enumerate the primary elements that it will use to create the objects that it will persist in some way.
IGuideDataEvent IConnectionPoint notification callback interface that is implemented on the Network Provider filter or any other object that needs to receive these events from the TIF.
IGuideDataProperty Represents the name, value, and language of a property associated with a Service, Program or ScheduleEntry.
IMPEG2_TIF_CONTROL Implemented by the Network Provider and used by the TIF to register itself and request table sections carried on specific PIDs within the transport stream.
ITuneRequestInfo Implemented on the TIF and used by the Network Provider when, in order to resolve a tune request, it needs additional network-specific information about locating transport streams and acquiring services.