Microsoft DirectX 9.0 |
The GetVendorString method retrieves the name of the vendor. For the render engine objects that are provided by DirectShow, the vendor string is "Microsoft Corporation".
HRESULT GetVendorString(
BSTR *pVendorID
[out, retval] Pointer to a variable that receives a BSTR containing the vendor string.
Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value. Possible values include the following.
Value | Description |
E_NOTIMPL | Not implemented |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Insufficient memory |
E_POINTER | NULL pointer argument |
S_OK | Success |
The method allocates memory for the string. The application must call SysFreeString to free the memory.
Header: Include Qedit.h. This header file is not compatible with Microsoft® Direct3D® headers later than version 7.
Library: Use strmiids.lib.
See Also