Microsoft DirectX 9.0

DV Splitter Filter

This filter splits an interleaved digital video (DV) stream into its component video and audio streams.

Filter Interfaces IBaseFilter, IDVSplitter
Input Pin Media Types MEDIATYPE_Interleaved, MEDIASUBTYPE_dvsd, FORMAT_DvInfo
Input Pin Interfaces IMemInputPin, IPin, IQualityControl
Output Pin Media Types Video: MEDIATYPE_Video, MEDIASUBTYPE_NULL, FORMAT_DvInfo
Output Pin Interfaces IMediaPosition, IMediaSeeking, IPin, IQualityControl
Filter CLSID CLSID_DVSplitter
Property Page CLSID No property page.
Executable qdv.dll
Filter Category CLSID_LegacyAmFilterCategory


Only one output pin at a time exposes the IMediaPosition and IMediaSeeking interfaces.

The DV Splitter filter can accept dynamic format changes in the audio stream. However, if the AVI Mux filter is downstream, it will reject the format change. If this happens, the DV Splitter stops producing an audio stream.

Note   This limitation affects type-2 file capture only. For preview, there is no AVI Mux filter downstream. For type-1 file capture, the interleaved stream is not split in the first place. If the DV source is a live camera, there is normally no reason for the audio format to change. However, it might happen if you transmit from a VCR tape that contains heterogeneous sources edited together.

See Also