Microsoft DirectX 9.0

AVI Splitter Filter

The AVI Splitter Filter is used for playback of AVI files. It accepts data in AVI format and splits it into its constitutent streams for further procecessing and/or rendering. This filter is typically connected to the Async File Source filter on its input pin, although it can connect to any filter that has an output pin that supports IAsyncReader.

Filter Interfaces IAMMediaContent, IBaseFilter, IPersistMediaPropertyBag
Input Pin Media Types MEDIATYPE_Stream, MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi.
Input Pin Interfaces IPin, IQualityControl
Output Pin Media Types Typically MEDIATYPE_Video or  MEDIATYPE_Audio. The exact type depends on the content of the file, whether the file is compressed, and what codec was used.
Output Pin Interfaces IMediaPosition, IMediaSeeking, IPin, IPropertyBag, IQualityControl
Filter CLSID CLSID_AviSplitter
Property Page CLSID No property page.
Executable quartz.dll
Filter Category CLSID_LegacyAmFilterCategory


The output pins support the IPropertyBag::Read method for reading properties from individual streams.

Currently, the following property is defined.

Property Description
name Returns the name of the stream, taken from the 'strn' chunk in the AVI file. If this chunk is absent, the Read method returns E_INVALIDARG.

The IPropertyBag::Write method returns E_FAIL. The AVI Mux filter supports IPropertyBag::Write for saving stream properties into an AVI file.