Microsoft DirectX 9.0

ID3DXEffectCompiler Interface

The ID3DXEffectCompiler interface compiles an effect from a function or from a vertex shader.

ID3DXEffectCompiler Members

CompileEffect Compile an effect.
CompileShader Compile a shader from an effect that contains one or more functions.
GetAnnotation Gets the handle of an annotation.
GetAnnotationByName Gets the handle of an annotation by looking up its name.
GetBool Gets a BOOL value.
GetBoolArray Gets an array of BOOL values.
GetDesc Gets the effect description.
GetFloat Gets a floating point value.
GetFloatArray Gets an array of floating point values.
GetFunction Gets the handle of a function.
GetFunctionByName Gets the handle of a function by looking up its name.
GetFunctionDesc Gets a function description.
GetInt Gets an integer.
GetIntArray Gets an array of integers.
GetLiteral Gets a literal status of a parameter. A literal parameter has a value that doesn't change during the lifetime of an effect.
GetMatrix Gets a nontransposed matrix.
GetMatrixArray Gets an array of nontransposed matrices.
GetMatrixPointerArray Sets an array of pointers to nontransposed matrices.
GetMatrixTranspose Gets a transposed matrix.
GetMatrixTransposeArray Gets an array of transposed matrices.
GetMatrixTransposePointerArray Sets an array of pointers to transposed matrices.
GetParameter Gets the handle of a top-level parameter or a structure member parameter.
GetParameterByName Gets the handle of a top-level parameter or a structure member parameter by looking up its name.
GetParameterBySemantic Gets the handle of a top-level parameter or a structure member parameter by looking up its semantic.
GetParameterDesc Gets a parameter or annotation description.
GetParameterElement Get the handle of an array element parameter.
GetPass Gets the handle of a pass.
GetPassByName Gets the handle of a pass by looking up its name.
GetPassDesc Gets a pass description.
GetPixelShader Gets a pixel shader.
GetString Gets a string.
GetTechnique Gets the handle of a technique.
GetTechniqueByName Gets the handle of a technique by looking up its name.
GetTechniqueDesc Gets a technique description.
GetTexture Gets a texture.
GetValue Get the value of an arbitrary parameter or annotation, including simple types, structs, arrays, strings, shaders and textures. This method can be used in place of nearly all the Getxxx calls in ID3DXBaseEffect.
GetVector Gets a vector.
GetVectorArray Gets an array of vectors.
GetVertexShader Gets a vertex shader.
SetBool Sets a BOOL value.
SetBoolArray Sets an array of Boolean values.
SetFloat Sets a floating point value.
SetFloatArray Sets an array of floating point values.
SetInt Sets an integer.
SetIntArray Sets an array of integers.
SetLiteral Toggle the literal status of a parameter. A literal parameter has a value that doesn't change during the lifetime of an effect.
SetMatrix Sets a nontransposed matrix.
SetMatrixArray Sets an array of nontransposed matrices.
SetMatrixPointerArray Sets an array of pointers to nontransposed matrices.
SetMatrixTranspose Sets a transposed matrix.
SetMatrixTransposeArray Sets an array of transposed matrices.
SetMatrixTransposePointerArray Sets an array of pointers to transposed matrices.
SetPixelShader Sets a pixel shader.
SetString Sets a string.
SetTexture Sets a texture.
SetValue Get the value of an arbitrary parameter or annotation, including simple types, structs, arrays, strings, shaders and textures. This method can be used in place of nearly all the Setxxx calls in ID3DXBaseEffect.
SetVector Sets a vector.
SetVectorArray Sets an array of vectors.
SetVertexShader Sets a vertex shader.


The ID3DXEffectCompiler interface is obtained by calling D3DXCreateEffectCompiler, D3DXCreateEffectCompilerFromFile, or D3DXCreateEffectCompilerFromResource.

The LPD3DXEFFECT type is defined as a pointer to the ID3DXEffect interface.

typedef struct ID3DXEffectCompiler *LPD3DXEFFECTCOMPILER;

Interface Information

Inherits fromID3DXBaseEffect
Import libraryd3dx9.lib
Minimum operating systems Windows 98

See Also

D3DXCreateEffectCompiler, D3DXCreateEffectCompilerFromFile, D3DXCreateEffectCompilerFromResource

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