Microsoft DirectX 9.0

ID3DXSaveUserData::SaveTemplates Method

A callback for the user to save an .x file template.


HRESULT SaveTemplates(      



[in] Pointer to an .x file save object. Do not use this parameter to add data objects. See IDirectXFileSaveObject.

Return Value

The return values of this method are implemented by an application programmer. In general, if no error occurs, program the method to return D3D_OK. Otherwise, program the method to return an appropriate error message from D3DERR or D3DXERR, as this will cause D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromX to fail also, and return the error.


ID3DXSaveUserData::RegisterTemplates and ID3DXSaveUserData::SaveTemplates provide a mechanism for adding a template to an .x file for saving user data.

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