Microsoft DirectX 9.0

D3DXSplitMesh Function

Splits a mesh into meshes smaller than the specified size.


void D3DXSplitMesh(      

    const LPD3DXMESH pMeshIn,     const DWORD *pAdjacencyIn,     const DWORD MaxSize,     const DWORD Options,     DWORD *pMeshesOut,     LPD3DXBUFFER *ppMeshArrayOut,     LPD3DXBUFFER *ppAdjacencyArrayOut,     LPD3DXBUFFER *ppFaceRemapArrayOut,     LPD3DXBUFFER *ppVertRemapArrayOut );


[in] Pointer to an ID3DXMesh interface, representing the source mesh.
[in] Pointer to an array of three DWORDs per face that specify the three neighbors for each face in the mesh to be simplified.
[in]  Maximum number of vertices in the resulting mesh.
[in] Option flags for the new meshes.
[out, retval] Number of meshes returned.
[out, retval] Buffer containing an array of ID3DXMesh interfaces for the new meshes. For a source mesh split into n meshes, ppMeshArrayOut is an array of n ID3DXMesh pointers.
[out, retval] Buffer containing an array of adjacency arrays (DWORDs) for the new meshes. See ID3DXBuffer. This parameter is optional.
[out, retval] Buffer containing an array of face remap arrays (DWORDs) for the new meshes. See ID3DXBuffer. This parameter is optional.
[out, retval] Buffer containing an array of vertex remap arrays for the new meshes. See ID3DXBuffer. This parameter is optional.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is D3D_OK.

If the function fails, the return value can be one of the following values.

D3DERR_INVALIDCALLThe method call is invalid. For example, a method's parameter may have an invalid value.
D3DXERR_INVALIDDATAThe data is invalid.
E_OUTOFMEMORYMicrosoft?Direct3D?could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the call.


A common use of this function is to split a mesh with 32-bit indices (more than 65535 vertices) into more than one mesh, each of which has 16-bit indices.

The adjacency, vertex remap and face remap arrays are arrays are DWORDs where each array contains n DWORD pointers, followed by the DWORD data referenced by the pointers. For example, to obtain the face remap information for face 3 in mesh 2, the following code could be used, assuming the face remap data was returned in a variable named ppFaceRemapArrayOut.

const DWORD **face_remaps = 
	static_cast<DWORD **>(ppFaceRemapArrayOut->GetBufferPointer());
const DWORD remap = face_remaps[2][3];

Function Information

Import libraryd3dx9.lib
Minimum operating systems Windows 98

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