Microsoft DirectX 9.0 |
The following notation shows the organization of a chunk containing data for a wave track:
<wavt-list> -> LIST ( 'wavt'
<wath-ck> // Wave track header
<wavp-list>... // Wave parts
This chunk contains header information for a wave. It is followed by an array of lists describing wave parts:
<wath-ck> -> wath( <DMUS_IO_WAVE_TRACK_HEADER> )
<wavp-list> -> LIST ( 'wavp'
<waph-ck> // Wave part header
<wavi-list> // Wave items
The wave part list begins with a header.
<waph-ck> -> 'waph' ( <DMUS_IO_WAVE_PART_HEADER> )
The second part of the wave part list is an array of wave items:
<wavi-list> -> LIST( 'wavi'
Each wave item is described in a list chunk as follows:
<wave-list> -> LIST( 'wave'
<waih-ck> // Wave item header.
<DMRF-list> // Reference to wave object.
The wave description begins with a header chunk:
<waih-ck> -> ( <DMUS_IO_WAVE_ITEM_HEADER> )
For more information on <DMRF-list>, see Reference List.