Microsoft DirectX 9.0


Driver capability flags.

D3DCAPS2_CANAUTOGENMIPMAP0x40000000LThe driver is capable of automatically generating mipmaps. For more information, see Automatic Generation of Mipmaps.
D3DCAPS2_CANCALIBRATEGAMMA0x00100000LThe system has a calibrator installed that can automatically adjust the gamma ramp so that the result is identical on all systems that have a calibrator. To invoke the calibrator when setting new gamma levels, use the D3DSGR_CALIBRATE flag when calling IDirect3DDevice9::SetGammaRamp. Calibrating gamma ramps incurs some processing overhead and should not be used frequently.
D3DCAPS2_CANMANAGERESOURCE0x10000000LThe driver is capable of managing resources. On such drivers, D3DPOOL_MANAGED resources will be managed by the driver. To have Microsoft?Direct3D?override the driver so that Direct3D manages resources, use the D3DCREATE_DISABLE_DRIVER_MANAGEMENT flag when calling IDirect3D9::CreateDevice.
D3DCAPS2_DYNAMICTEXTURES0x20000000LThe driver supports dynamic textures.
D3DCAPS2_FULLSCREENGAMMA0x00020000LThe driver supports dynamic gamma ramp adjustment in full-screen mode.
D3DCAPS2_RESERVED0x02000000LReserved; not used.

These constants are used by the D3CAPS2 member of D3DCAPS9.

Constant Information

Minimum operating systemWindows 98

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