Microsoft DirectX 9.0

loop (Vertex Shader)

Starts a loop...endloop block.


loop aL, integerRegister



Vertex shader versions1_12_02_x2_sw3_03_sw

loop starts a loop...endloop block. Only integer registers can be used in this instruction The loop instruction is provided for iteration, and supports an auto-incremented loop counter register that can be used to index the constant array. When nested, any time the loop counter register is used, it refers to the current loop.

This instruction works as shown here.

StartLoopOffset = next instruction offset
LoopCounter      = IntegerReg.x
IterationCount   = IntegerReg.y
LoopStep         = InteferReg.z
if (IterationCounter <= 0)
  Continue execution after the next EndLoop instruction

Instruction Information

Minimum operating systemWindows 98

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