Microsoft DirectX 9.0


Passed as a parameter to the application-defined DirectXSetupCallbackFunction. It contains valid information only when the Reason parameter is DSETUP_CB_MSG_PROGRESS. Callback functions can use it to get status information on the upgrade that is about to be done.


typedef struct _DSETUP_CB_PROGRESS {
    DWORD dwPhase;
    DWORD dwInPhaseMaximum;
    DWORD dwInPhaseProgress;
    DWORD dwOverallMaximum;
    DWORD dwOverallProgress;


Flag indicating the phase of the install progress. Can be any of the DSETUP_CB_PROGRESS_PHASE flags.
This is the maximum number of files that will need to be extracted or copied during the DSETUP_EXTRACTING or DSETUP_COPYING phase. This is parameter is only used for the DSETUP_EXTRACTING and DSETUP_COPYING phases; otherwise it is zero and can be ignored.
This is the current number of files that have been extracted or copied during the DSETUP_EXTRACTING or DSETUP_COPYING phase. This is parameter is only used for the DSETUP_EXTRACTING and DSETUP_COPYING phases; otherwise it is zero and can be ignored.
This is the total number of files for both the DSETUP_EXTRACTING and DSETUP_COPYING phase that need to be performed. This is parameter is only used for the DSETUP_EXTRACTING and DSETUP_COPYING phases; otherwise it is zero and can be ignored.
This is the current number of files that have been extract or copied in relation to the dwOverallMaximum value. This is parameter is only used for the DSETUP_EXTRACTING and DSETUP_COPYING phases; otherwise it is zero and can be ignored.

Structure Information

Minimum operating systems Windows 98

See Also


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