Microsoft DirectX 9.0

DirectXSetup Function

Installs one or more Microsoft?DirectX?components.


int DirectXSetup(      

    HWND hWnd,     LPSTR lpszRootPath,     DWORD dwFlags );


Handle of the parent window for the setup dialog boxes.
Address of a string that contains the root path of the DirectX component files. This string must specify a full path to the directory that contains the files Dsetup.dll and Dsetup32.dll, as well as the DirectX redistributable files. If this value is NULL, the current working directory is used.
One or more flags indicating which control the DirectSetup configuration.
Installs DirectX run-time components, as well as DirectX-compatible display and audio drivers.
Installs the Managed DirectX component. This requires that the Microsoft .NET Framework is installed.
Performs a test installation. Does not install new components.

Return Value

If it fails, it returns an error value. For a list of possible return values, see Return Values. If this function succeeds, it returns one of the following success codes:

DSETUPERR_SUCCESS_RESTARTSuccess, but the user must restart the system for the changes to take effect.


Before using the DirectXSetup function in your setup program, you should first ensure that the system has enough available disk space. The maximum space that you need to set up DirectX 9.0 is 20 MB for Microsoft Windows?98 and Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me) systems, and 25 MB for Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

The following flags can be specified for the dwFlags parameter but are ignored by DirectX 9.0.
DSETUP_D3DObsolete. DirectX programs that use this flag install all DirectX components.
DSETUP_DDRAWObsolete. DirectX programs that use this flag install all DirectX components.
DSETUP_DDRAWDRVNot used in DirectX 8.1.
DSETUP_DINPUT Obsolete. DirectX programs that use this flag install all DirectX components.
DSETUP_DIRECTXSETUPObsolete. DirectX programs that use this flag install all DirectX components.
DSETUP_DPLAY Obsolete. DirectX programs that use this flag install all DirectX components.
DSETUP_DPLAYSPObsolete. DirectX programs that use this flag install all DirectX components.
DSETUP_DSOUND Obsolete. DirectX programs that use this flag install all DirectX components.
DSETUP_DSOUNDDRVNot used in DirectX 8.1.
DSETUP_DXCOREInstalls DirectX run-time components. Does not install DirectX-compatible display and audio drivers.

Function Information

Import librarydsetup.lib
Minimum operating systems Windows 98

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