Microsoft DirectX 9.0

Data Strings

The data string holds address information. The first part of a data string consists of a series of keyname= value elements separated by semicolons (;). You can include optional user data by putting a number sign (#) after the last value, followed by an application-defined string.

The key name is a lowercase string that identifies the data and implicitly indicates what type of data is contained in the value. For instance, the "provider" key name indicates that the value contains a Microsoft?DirectPlay?service provider globally unique identifier (GUID), in the form of a GUID string. The following characters are reserved and should not be used in value strings.

Ampersand (&) Forward slash (/)
At sign (@) Number sign (#)
Colon (:) Question mark (?)
Equal sign (=) Semicolon (;)

The first element in the data string must be the provider. Other elements can follow in any order. A generic URL looks something like this.

x-directplay:/provider=Provider_GUID;[keyname1=value1];[keyname2=value2][...]#[user defined string]

The Provider_GUID should be of the form


but using the escape characters for the invalid characters as shown in the following example.


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