Microsoft DirectX 9.0

IDP8SimControl::GetAllStatistics Method

Retrieves all of the current DP8Sim statistics.


HRESULT GetAllStatistics(      

    DP8SIM_STATISTICS *const pdp8ssSend,     DP8SIM_STATISTICS *const pdp8ssReceive,     const DWORD dwFlags );


[out] Pointer to a DP8SIM_STATISTICS structure to be filled with the current send statistics.
[out] Pointer to a DP8SIM_STATISTICS structure to be filled with the current receive statistics.
[in] Reserved. Must be 0.

Return Value

Returns DP8SIM_OK if successful, or one of the following error values.

DP8SIMERR_INVALIDFLAGS The flags passed to this method are invalid.
DP8SIMERR_INVALIDOBJECT The DP8Sim control object specified is invalid.
DP8SIMERR_INVALIDPARAM One or more of the parameters passed to the method are invalid.
DP8SIMERR_INVALIDPOINTER A pointer specified as a parameter is invalid.
DP8SIMERR_NOTINITIALIZED The DP8Sim control object has not been initialized.

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