Microsoft DirectX 9.0

IDirectPlay8Server::DestroyClient Method

Deletes a client from the session.


HRESULT DestroyClient(      

    const DPNID dpnidClient,     const VOID *const pDestroyInfo,     const DWORD dwDestroyInfoSize,     const DWORD dwFlags );


[in] Variable of type DPNID that specifies the identifier of the client to delete.
[in] Pointer that describes additional delete data information.
[in] Variable of type DWORD that specifies the size of the data in the pDestroyInfo parameter.
[in] Reserved. Must be 0.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or one of the following error values.

DPNERR_INVALIDPARAMOne or more of the parameters passed to the method are invalid.
DPNERR_INVALIDPLAYERThe player ID is not recognized as a valid player ID for this game session.
DPNERR_NOTHOSTThe client attempted to connect to a nonhost computer. Additionally, this error value may be returned by a nonhost that tried to set the application description.

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