Microsoft DirectX 9.0

IDirectPlay8NATResolver::Initialize Method

Initializes the IDirectPlay8NATResolver interface. This method must be called before calling any other methods of this interface.


HRESULT Initialize(      

    const PVOID pvUserContext,     const PFNDPNMESSAGEHANDLER pfn,     const DWORD dwFlags );


[in] Pointer to the user-provided context value in calls to the message handler. A user-provided context value can be used to differentiate messages coming from multiple interfaces to a common message handler.
[in] Pointer to a PFNDPNMESSAGEHANDLER callback function that is used to receive all messages.
[in] The following flag can be set.
Passing this flag will disable parameter validation for the current object.

Return Value

Returns DPN_OK if successful, or one of the following error values.

DPNERR_ALREADYINITIALIZEDThe object has already been initialized.
DPNERR_INVALIDFLAGSThe flags passed to this method are invalid.
DPNERR_INVALIDOBJECTThe Microsoft?DirectPlay?object pointer is invalid.
DPNERR_INVALIDPARAMOne or more of the parameters passed to the method are invalid.

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