Microsoft DirectX 9.0

IDxDiagContainer::EnumPropNames Method

Enumerates the name of the property at the specified index.


HRESULT EnumPropNames(      

    DWORD dwIndex,     LPWSTR pwszPropName,     DWORD cchPropName );


[in] Zero-based index of the container object that specifies which property name to retrieve. If this is outside the allowable range, then E_INVALIDARG is returned.
[out] Receives the unique name of the property. It should be at least 256 elements. If the buffer is too small it will return DXDIAG_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.
[in] Specifies the size of the pwszPropName buffer in characters.

Return Value

If unsuccessful, returns one of the following values.

E_INVALIDARGAn invalid argument was passed to the returning function.
DXDIAG_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFERThe buffer is too small.

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