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Microsoft DirectX 9.0 |
Retrieves information about a device image for use in a configuration property sheet.
HRESULT GetImageInfo(
- lpdiDevImageInfoHeader
- Address of a DIDEVICEIMAGEINFOHEADER structure that receives information about the device image.
Return Value
If the method succeeds, the return value is DI_OK.
If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following error values.
DIERR_INVALIDPARAM An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function, or the object was not in a state that permitted the function to be called. This value is equal to the E_INVALIDARG standard Component Object Model (COM) return value. DIERR_MAPFILEFAIL An error has occurred reading either the vendor-supplied action-mapping file for the device or reading or writing the user configuration file for the device. DIERR_MOREDATA Not all the requested information fitted into the buffer. DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED The object has not been initialized. DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND The requested object does not exist.