Microsoft DirectX 9.0 |
It is often necessary to retrieve an interface to a particular object within the audiopath. Common reasons to do so include the following:
Objects can be retrieved from an audiopath by calling IDirectMusicSegmentState8::GetObjectInPath on the segment state that is playing on the audiopath. You can also call IDirectMusicAudioPath8::GetObjectInPath on the audiopath object itself. The following table gives information about the parameters to these two methods.
dwStage | guidObject | dwPChannel used? |
dwIndex used? |
iidInterface (typical) |
DMUS_PATH_AUDIOPATH (*) | Ignored | No | No | IID_IDirectMusicAudioPath8 |
DMUS_PATH_AUDIOPATH_GRAPH | Ignored | No | No | IID_IDirectMusicGraph8 |
DMUS_PATH_AUDIOPATH_TOOL | Tool class ID or GUID_All_Objects to enumerate |
Yes | Yes | IID_IDirectMusicTool8 |
DMUS_PATH_BUFFER | Ignored | Yes | No, identify by dwBuffer | IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8 |
DMUS_PATH_BUFFER_DMO | DMO class ID, such as GUID_DSFX_STANDARD_GARGLE, or GUID_All_Objects to enumerate |
Yes | Yes; index of DMO within buffer | GUID for standard DMO interface, such as IID_IDirectSoundFXGargle(**) |
DMUS_PATH_MIXIN_BUFFER | Ignored | No | No, identify by dwBuffer | IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8 |
DMUS_PATH_MIXIN_BUFFER_DMO | DMO class ID, such as GUID_DSFX_STANDARD_I3DL2REVERB, or GUID_All_Objects to enumerate |
No | Yes; index of DMO within buffer | GUID for standard DMO interface, such as IID_IDirectSoundFXI3DL2Reverb(**) |
DMUS_PATH_PERFORMANCE | Ignored | No | No | IID_IDirectMusicPerformance8 |
DMUS_PATH_PERFORMANCE_GRAPH | Ignored | No | No | IID_IDirectMusicGraph8 |
DMUS_PATH_PERFORMANCE_TOOL | Tool class ID or GUID_All_Objects to enumerate |
Yes | Yes | IID_IDirectMusicTool8 |
DMUS_PATH_PORT | Port class ID or GUID_All_Objects to enumerate |
Yes | Yes | IID_IDirectMusicPort |
DMUS_PATH_PRIMARY_BUFFER | Ignored | No | No | IID_IDirectSound3DListener8 |
DMUS_PATH_SEGMENT (*) | Ignored | No | No | IID_IDirectMusicSegment8 |
DMUS_PATH_SEGMENT_GRAPH (*) | Ignored | No | No | IID_IDirectMusicGraph8 |
DMUS_PATH_SEGMENT_TOOL (*) | Tool class ID or GUID_All_Objects to enumerate |
Yes | Yes | IID_IDirectMusicTool8 |
DMUS_PATH_SEGMENT_TRACK (*) | Track class ID or GUID_All_Objects to enumerate |
No | Yes | IID_IDirectMusicTrack8 |
Notes (*) Objects in this stage cannot be retrieved by IDirectMusicAudioPath8::GetObjectInPath.
(**) The standard
For more information on the values for dwIndex when retrieving standard buffers, see Standard Audiopaths.
The following example function retrieves a segment from the segment state that was created when the segment was played:
HRESULT GetSegmentFromState(IDirectMusicSegmentState* pSegState, IDirectMusicSegment8** ppSeg)
IDirectMusicSegmentState8* pSegState8;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pSegState->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectMusicSegmentState8,
(void**) &pSegState8)))
hr = SUCCEEDED(pSegState8->GetObjectInPath(0, DMUS_PATH_SEGMENT, 0,
GUID_NULL, 0, IID_IDirectMusicSegment, (void**) ppSeg));
return hr;
If you already have an interface to an effects buffer, it is also possible to retrieve a DMO interface by using IDirectSoundBuffer8::GetObjectInPath.
You can retrieve an IDirectSoundBuffer8 interface for any buffer in the audiopath, but some methods are not valid. For more information, see IDirectSoundBuffer8 Interface.