Microsoft DirectX 9.0

MSVidVideoRenderer Object

This topic applies to Windows XP only.

The MSVidVideoRenderer object enables Automation clients to set properties on the Video Mixing Renderer Filter (VMR). For more complete information on the VMR, see Using the Video Mixing Renderer.

This object inherits all the methods and properties of the IMSVidDevice object. In addition, it exposes the following methods and properties.

Property Description
AvailableSourceRect Retrieves the size of the native video.
ClippedSourceRect Sets or retrieves the clipping rectangle on the video source.
CustomCompositorClass Sets or retrieves the CLSID of the VMR's current image compositor.
DecimateInput Indicates whether the VMR will decimate the video (that is, reduce the native video size) before processing it.
FramesPerSecond Retrieves the frame rate.
MaxVidRect Retrieves the maximum ideal size of the video rectangle.
MinVidRect Retrieves the minimum ideal size of the video rectangle.
MixerBitmap Sets or retrieves the static bitmap image.
MixerBitmapOpacity Sets or retrieves the opacity of the static bitmap image.
MixerBitmapPositionRect Sets or retrieves the position of the static bitmap image, relative to the video window.
OverScan Sets or retrieves the amount of clipping to perform on all sides of the video frame, in order to cut off random video noise.
SourceSize Indicates the type of clipping to apply to the video rectangle, if any.
SuppressEffects Sets and retrieves preferences for power management and visual effects.
UsingOverlay Indicates whether the VMR should use the hardware overlay.

Method Description
Capture Captures the video frame that is currently being rendered by the VMR.
SetupMixerBitmap Configures the VMR to display an alpha-blended bitmap on top of the video.

Event Description
OverlayUnavailable Called when the hardware overlay surface is unavailable.
StateChange Called when the state of the device changes.