Microsoft DirectX 9.0


The NotifyAllocator method specifies an allocator for the connection.


HRESULT NotifyAllocator(
  IMemAllocator *pAllocator,
  BOOL bReadOnly



[in] Pointer to the allocator's IMemAllocator interface.


[out] Flag that specifies whether samples from this allocator are read-only. If TRUE, samples are read-only.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an HRESULT value indicating the cause of the error.


During the pin connection, the output pin chooses an allocator and calls this method to notify the input pin. The output pin might use the allocator that the input pin proposed in the IMemInputPin::GetAllocator method, or it might provide its own allocator.

If the bReadOnly parameter is TRUE, all samples in the allocator are read-only. The filter must copy them to modify the data.

See Also