Microsoft DirectX 9.0

ILocator Interface

The ILocator base class interface is implemented (through its derived interfaces such as IATSCLocator) on Locator objects that contain tuning information about the tuning space. The base interface is never used directly, but only through the derived interfaces that are specific for a given network type. Locator objects can be created dynamically by Guide Store Loaders that have the necessary information about the tuning space, or a default locator for a tuning space can be installed by the third party who installs the tuning space. In any case, applications never create or examine locators except in certain testing or debugging scenarios. All Locator objects also support IPersistPropertyBag.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the ILocator interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
Clone Creates a copy of the Locator.
get_CarrierFrequency Retrieves the frequency of the RF signal.
get_InnerFEC Retrieves the type of inner forward error correction that is used.
get_InnerFECRate Retrieves the inner FEC rate.
get_Modulation Retrieves the modulation type.
get_OuterFEC Retrieves the type of outer forward error correction that is used.
get_OuterFECRate Sets the outer FEC rate.
get_SymbolRate Gets the QPSK symbol rate.
put_CarrierFrequency Sets the frequency of the RF signal.
put_InnerFEC Sets the type of inner forward error correction that is used.
put_InnerFECRate Sets the inner FEC rate.
put_Modulation Sets the modulation type.
put_OuterFEC Sets the type of inner forward error correction that is used.
put_OuterFECRate Sets the outer FEC rate.
put_SymbolRate Sets the QPSK symbol rate.