Microsoft DirectX 9.0 |
The GetDefaultFPS method retrieves the source object's default frame rate. The render engine uses this value if it cannot determine the frame rate from the original source.
double *pFPS
Pointer to a variable that receives the default frame rate, in frames per second.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if successful, or E_POINTER otherwise.
The default frame rate is not required if the file format specifies the frame rate. This is the case for audio and video formats.
If the source is a bitmap or JPEG image, the render engine uses it as the first image in a device-independent bitmap (DIB) sequence, with a frame rate equal to the default frame rate. To render a static image, rather than a
If the source is a GIF, do not set the frame rate. For animated GIFs, the GIF file specifies the delay between each image.
Header: Include Qedit.h. This header file is not compatible with Microsoft® Direct3D® headers later than version 7.
Library: Use strmiids.lib.
See Also