Microsoft DirectX 9.0 |
The get_Mode method retrieves the current transport mode, such as play, stop, or record.
HRESULT get_Mode(
long *pMode
[out] Pointer to a long integer that receives the current transport mode. For possible values, see IAMExtTransport::put_Mode.
Return Values
When this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise it returns an HRESULT error code.
DV Implementation
For a list of transport modes supported by MSDV, see IAMExtTransport::put_Mode. In addition, MSDV supports the following flags for the get_Mode method, but not the put_Mode method.
Value | Description |
ED_MODE_REW_FASTEST | High-speed rewind. |
ED_MODE_REV_PLAY | Reverse play, at normal speed. |
These flags are defined in the header file Xprtdefs.h.
See Also