Microsoft DirectX 9.0

DisplaySizeList Constants

This topic applies to Windows XP only.

These constants define the size of the video rectangle, relative either to the native video or to the display.

Constant Value Description
dslDefaultSize 0 Display the video rectangle at the native size.
dslSourceSize 0 Same as dslDefaultSize.
dslHalfSourceSize 1 Shrink the width and height of the native video by half.
dslDoubleSourceSize 2 Stretch the width and height of the native video by a factor of two
dslFullScreen 3 Stretch the video to fill the screen while maintaining the original aspect ratio.
dslHalfScreen 4 Stretch the video to fill 50% of the screen while maintaining the original aspect ratio.
dslQuarterScreen 5 Stretch the video to fill 25% of the screen while maintaining the original aspect ratio.
dslSixteenthScreen 6 Stretch the video to fill 6.25% of the screen while maintaining the original aspect ratio.

See Also