This section provides information about using Microsoft® DirectSound® to play and capture sounds in applications written in C and C++.
Information is presented in the following sections:
- What's New in DirectSound. A guide to new features of DirectSound in Microsoft DirectX® 9.0.
- Introduction to DirectSound. An overview of what DirectSound is and what it can do for your application, a comparison of DirectSound and Microsoft DirectMusic®, and a brief first look at the steps your application must take to play sounds.
- Getting Started with DirectSound. Information on setting up and debugging DirectSound projects.
- Using DirectSound. A guide to using the application programming interface (API). You'll probably want to familiarize yourself with the table of contents for this section, and then refer to parts of it as you need specific information. It should be used in conjunction with the reference section.
- Advanced Topics in DirectSound. Information of interest mostly for developing specialized applications or applications that need highly optimized performance.
- DirectSound C++ Samples. A guide to the sample applications in the SDK, to point you to the sample code you need. As well as showing how to implement basic functionality, each sample demonstrates one or more particular features of DirectSound.
- DirectSound C/C++ Reference. Detailed information about all the API elements declared in Dsound.h.