Microsoft DirectX 9.0

m3x3 (Vertex Shader)

Computes the product of a 3-component vector and a 3x3 matrix.


m3x3 dst, src0, src1



Vertex shader versions1_12_02_x2_sw3_03_sw

The xyz mask is required for the destination register. Negate and swizzle modifiers are allowed for src0 but not for src1.

The following code fragment shows the operations performed.

dest.x = (src0.x * src1.x) + (src0.y * src1.y) + (src0.z * src1.z);
dest.y = (src0.x * src2.x) + (src0.y * src2.y) + (src0.z * src2.z);
dest.z = (src0.x * src3.x) + (src0.y * src3.y) + (src0.z * src3.z);

The input vector is in register src0. The input 3x3 matrix is in register src1, and the next two higher registers, as shown in the expansion below. A 3-D result is produced, leaving the other element of the destination register (dest.w) unaffected.

This operation is commonly used for transforming normal vectors during lighting computations. This macro instruction is implemented as a pair of dot products as shown below.

m3x3 r0.xyz, r1, c0  which will be expanded to:

dp3   r0.x, r1, c0
dp3   r0.y, r1, c1
dp3   r0.z, r1, c2

Instruction Information

Minimum operating systemWindows 98

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