Microsoft DirectX 9.0

Diffuse/Specular Register

This vertex shader output register contains a per-vertex diffuse or specular color value.


Diffuse/Specular Register 


A register consists of properties that determine how each register behaves.

NameoD[n] - n is an optional register number. If the register number is omitted, 0 is the default value used.
CountA maximum of two registers, oD0 and oD1.
I/O permissionsWrite-only.

oD0 is the diffuse color register. oD1 is the specular color register. The oD0 value is interpolated and is written to the pixel shader color register 0 (v0). The oD1 value is interpolated and written to the pixel shader color register 1 (v1). For more information about pixel shader color registers, see the pixel shader Color Register page.


min oD0, r0, c1.x    

For a more complete code sample, see the Vertex Blend Sample.

Instruction Information

Minimum operating systemWindows 98

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