Microsoft DirectX 9.0

D3DXFresnelTerm Function

Calculate the Fresnel term.


FLOAT D3DXFresnelTerm(      

    FLOAT CosTheta,     FLOAT RefractionIndex );


[in] The value must be between 0 and 1.
[in] The refraction index of a material. The value must be greater than 1.

Return Value

This function returns the Fresnel term for unpolarized light. CosTheta is the cosine of the incident angle.


To find the Fresnel term (F):

If A is angle of incidence and B is the angle of refraction, then

F = 0.5 * [tan2(A - B) / tan2(A + B) + sin2(A - B) / sin2(A + B)]
  = 0.5 * sin2(A - B) / sin2(A + B) * [cos2(A + B) / cos2(A - B) + 1]

Let r   = sina(A) / sin(B)      (the relative refractive index)
Let c   = cos(A)
Let g   = (r2 + c2 - 1)1/2

Then, expanding using the trig identities and simplifying, you get:

F = 0.5 * (g + c)2 / (g - c)2 * ([c(g + c) - 1]2 / [c(g - c) + 1]2 + 1)

Function Information

Import libraryd3dx9.lib
Minimum operating systems Windows 98

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