Microsoft DirectX 9.0

ret (Pixel Shader)

Takes the address of an instruction from the return address stack and continues execution from it. In the case of the main function, this instruction stops shader execution.


rep integerReg

where integerReg is an integer register that specifies the instruction count. See Constant Integer Register.


Pixel shader versions1_11_21_31_42_02_x2_sw3_03_sw

This instruction takes the address of an instruction from the return address stack and continues execution from it. In the case of the main function, this instruction stops shader execution.

The ret instruction consumes one vertex shader instruction slot.

If a shader contains no subroutines, using ret at the end of the main program is optional.

Multiple return statements are not permitted in the main program or in any subroutine, the first return statement is treated as the end of the main program or subroutine.

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