Microsoft DirectX 9.0

Access the Contents of an Index Buffer

Index buffer objects enable applications to directly access the memory allocated for index data. You can retrieve a pointer to index buffer memory by calling the IDirect3DIndexBuffer9::Lock method, and then accessing the memory as needed to fill the buffer with new index data or to read any data it contains. The IDirect3DIndexBuffer9::Lock method accepts four parameters. The first, OffsetToLock, is the offset into the index data. The second parameter is the size, measured in bytes, of the index data. The third parameter accepted by the IDirect3DIndexBuffer9::Lock method, ppbData, is the address of a BYTE pointer filled with a pointer to the index data, if the call succeeds.

The last parameter, Flags, tells the system how the memory should be locked. You can use it to indicate how the application accesses the data in the buffer. Specify constants for the Flags parameter according to the way the index data will be accessed by your application. This allows the driver to lock the memory and provide the best performance given the requested access type. Use D3DLOCK_READONLY flag if your application will read only from the index buffer memory. Including this flag enables Microsoft?Direct3D?to optimize its internal procedures to improve efficiency, given that access to the memory will be read-only.

After you fill or read the index data, call the IDirect3DIndexBuffer9::Unlock method, as shown in the following code example.

// This code example assumes the IB is a variable of type 
// LPDIRECT3DINDEXBUFFER9 and that g_Indices has been properly 
// initialized with indices.

// To fill the index buffer, you must lock the buffer to gain 
// access to the indices. This mechanism is required because index
// buffers may be in device memory.

VOID* pIndices;

if( FAILED( IB->Lock( 0,                 // Fill from start of the buffer.
                      sizeof(g_Indices), // Size of the data to load.
                      (BYTE**)&pIndices, // Returned index data.
                      0 ) ) )            // Send default flags to the lock.
    return E_FAIL;

memcpy( pIndices, g_Indices, sizeof(g_Indices) );

If you create an index buffer with the D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY flag, do not use the D3DLOCK_READONLY locking flag. Use the D3DLOCK_READONLY flag if your application will read only from the index buffer memory. Including this flag enables Direct3D to optimize its internal procedures to improve efficiency, given that access to the memory will be read-only.

For information about using D3DLOCK_DISCARD or D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE for the Flags parameter of the IDirect3DIndexBuffer9::Lock method, see Using Dynamic Vertex and Index Buffers.

In C++, because you directly access the memory allocated for the index buffer, make sure your application properly accesses the allocated memory. Otherwise, you risk rendering that memory invalid. Use the stride of the index format your application uses to move from one index in the allocated buffer to another.

Retrieving Index Buffer Descriptions

Retrieve information about an index buffer by calling the IDirect3DIndexBuffer9::GetDesc method. This method fills the members of the D3DINDEXBUFFER_DESC structure with information about the vertex buffer.

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